Another round of spring break which meant that the parks are more crowded than usual, it was also said that guests with a park hopper tickets that plan on hopping on Magic is prohibited due to the limit exceeding, we are in for dealing with huge line of guests. The usual set up in Aloha Isle of 1 register with a filler on both left and right, a total of 3 registers are open with the same set up. The extreme crowd has been quite draining to deal with. There are times where I can hardly keep up and it starts affecting me physically and mentally which leads to mess up a few orders causing me to dispose and make a new one. It also comes to the point where the soft serve machines were hardly cooperating with us because when we asked the leader what was going on, they said to give it a few more minutes because of how the machines were overloading due to extensive use. The usual guests mentioned in Week 8 are also appearing sometimes, but I usually just give them what they want to avoid the situation from escalating. There is also the day where our coordinators/leaders scale our dole whip portions rule is that the soft serve should be 7 oz and the float should be 14 oz. When I created them the way I usually serve to the guests, they weighed 8.5 oz for the soft serve and 13 oz for the float. With the recent schedule drop of the latest being April 20, I think that there is a low possibility that I would ever get cross trained in the FOH and BOH in Pecos, because of my limited time until my departure. However, I am still looking forward to those days. As of now, I plan to just enjoy and make the most of my workplace being at the Frontier and Adventureland stands. The routine of assignments has been quite the same thing every day. Which is something that I am already used to. One thing that I have planned is to be able to learn to break down and fix a whole Taylor soft serve machine.
West Side Foods Movie night hosted by a leader from Pecos Bill

Spring break was an extremely draining week. We had a lot of guests to the point where every station had a line of their own. We would make extras which we used almost instantly. We had an extra cast member floating throughout the stations restocking on items we needed. I was physically and mentally exhausted to the point where I had to confirm the order with the guest before handing it to them.