Living Learning Earning


Discover Disney for Indiana Jones was an informative experience. They performed a stunt at the beginning of the event and introduced everyone who made the magic happen. It takes about 5 people to add all the sound effects and make a fake punch sound real. Stunt actors spend weeks before they are put on stage. Indiana Jones spends 5 weeks training. However, even if they do not believe the actor is ready, they can extend their training period. There has only been one actor who did not finish the training period since then.  

Career Conversation 

I joined a Career Conversation for Katie Carr a Product and Franchise Strategy and talked about what goes behind the process and what merch gets promoted. She talked about the information that gets looked at like all the demographics including different age groups and what is the current trend. Sometimes they can have ideas for a project and unfortunately, they might not have the budget for it at the time. They must account for so many things when they are getting ready to start a project.  

Our Coordinator gave out these Bingo sheets for us cast members to complete and we only had one week to complete because a group of us were being deployed to another location. I was trying to complete it to the best of my abilities especially since there are some roles you do not interact with guests. We share a kitchen with Boatwrights and sometimes we get a role called River Roost. Which means you are going to be their busser. Whenever a table is ready to be cleared, our role is to clear it. They even taught me how to set the table to seat more guests.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Karen Goodlad

    Learning about the merchandise aspect of the business is valuable. All businesses should have multiple revenue streams to stay healthy and nimble. Multiple revenue sources allow a company to get through difficult times in the economic cycle and changing demands of customers.

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