This week I have officially finished training and have now started working independently from my trainers and At first it was making me really nervous to be able to handle all of this responsibility on my own but thankfully I had the other College Program members to ask questions and to help me remember how we are suppose to do certain things. Communication is a very important skill to have in the Hospitality field because without it no one would know what’s happening and what needs to get done I learned this because during one of my shifts we had a crazy amount of people walk into our doors and start to order food and it was something that was expected but not by this degree. So we started to communicate ask questions and try to figure out what went where and what tables were waiting the most and it was all going very smoothly orders were getting to their tables but unfortunately we were understaffed in the kitchen so we were having issues getting the food but non the less we kept talking to the kitchen letting them know what orders to expedite because they have waited long enough. By the end of the night we had served the giant mass of people and things started to slow down we had made it through the rush and did it with flying colors. Thankfully with the help of my coworkers I had helped efficiently and effectively with minor hiccups granted but what matters the most is that we made it through.

Riverside Port Orleans Resort