This week was my first week alone. My first time working without a trainer was stressful because I felt if I did a task wrong there was not anyone there to correct it. When I was put on mobile orders, I was overwhelmed with the number of orders coming in because when I packed one, three more were printed. At times I was packing the orders while the others were getting the food orders from other shops. When it was my turn to run the orders, I learned the items from the shop I had not gotten enough practice with. I got used to relying on other stations for mobile orders, which was difficult knowing they had their own guests to take care of. A challenge is communicating with others when it is busy. However, once we got used to working together, we proved to be more efficient. We told each other where we were going to go and how many more items we needed. They also corrected my mistakes, so I got better with every completed order. I closed trash and trays which were simple as well as pizza once you know what can be removed ahead of time. 

After three consecutive days at mobile, I felt as if I earned my ears.