Living Learning Earning

Week 1 – Traditions

Today was the first day of training called Traditions. I boarded the 8am Route J bus and headed to the Apprentice Hall at Flamingo East. First, we lined up to get our blue Id’s, swiped in then followed the directions to be seated. The first slide of the powerpoint was on safety. Safety is a top priority for Disney and also one of their “5 keys guide to create happiness.” After the lesson on safety came the first question of the training, “Why did you choose Disney?” At first I was scared to participate as it’s a new environment and I’m not yet comfortable, then a specific part in the intro video played in my head that we were all family. This is where my courage kicked in and I was even brave enough to scream on the top of my lungs when Caribbean Beach was displayed on the screen following the instructions of the hosts to not stay quiet when our place of work is displayed. Day 1 and I already overcame the obstacle of fear.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Karen Goodlad

    Over coming fears is significant. I am sure many felt the same way and the fact that you stepped out of your comfort zone on day one should set the stage for continued growth.

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