This week was a pretty normal average week. Woke up, went to work, came home, made dinner, hung out with my roommates and did the same thing the next day. Work was pretty slow as well besides an unusually busy Sunday and Monday. During these days it is important to be productive and stay urgent and ready.
My roommates and I were in a funk this week, so we decided to go have a girls night at a local Mexican restaurant, it was fun and great vibes all around. It was a nice change of scenery, and it was great to hang out just us and the queso.
It is very normal to have days when you are in a funk and when this happens it is important to rely on your friends and people around to help you work through it. I am very grateful to my roommates and friends for helping me focus on what is important and that you cannot help others if you do not help yourself. If you surround yourself with people who you can relate to, it will help you cope with the things you cannot control, like being trapped in your own routine.
Yes, funks happen. It is refreshing to hear that you took action to break the pattern and go funky.
With that in mind, you seem to be self motivated and creative, what happens if, in the workplace, you are responsible for mundane tasks? How easy is it to get into a funk at work? What programs or benefits can you identify that the WDC offers which may address their knowledge that, at times, cast members may get into a funk at work?