Prof. Goodlad HMGT 1101 | Prof. Stewart HMGT 1102 | Prof. Rosen ENG 1101


My name is Tyrah George, and I am 17 years old. I major in hospitality management at City Tech College. Since starting my semester at City Tech, I have been thinking about how I am gonna gain proper experience while I’m in college to be able to properly use my degree once I’ve obtained it. Currently I am on track to receiving my bachelors degree, and I hope this is a plan I see through. In the future I see myself becoming a chef, eventually leading to me owning a restaurant. At the moment I have no experience inside of an actual restaurant kitchen, but I do practice at home. I’ve been trying to look for places to start my journey, although I am convinced I’m not looking hard enough. I’m a great listener, strong communicator, Leader, and good at multitasking. Those are good qualities to have going into the hospitality industry, because people are going to constantly look to you to lead and give them direct answers. A hobby I have is that I love writing poetry. One of my favorite stanzas from a poem I’ve written is…

“Love me or hate me I don’t care
I’ve come far without you didn’t need you here
It’s like a bike climbed the highest mountain with no surrounding
Or the birds drinking water without a grounded fountain”- Tyrah George

It’s one of my favorites because it symbolizes doing the impossible.


  1. ia macharashvili

    I LOVE poetry, Who is your favorite poet? good luck

    • Tyrah

      I never really had a favorite poet, mostly because I don’t wanna gain inspiration or ideas from anyone else if it isn’t my own self.

      • Jody R. Rosen

        Tyrah, you should consider taking a creative writing course at City Tech once you finish ENG 1101! We have a lot of poets at City Tech–students, faculty members, and staff members.

  2. Jeffrey Vegas

    Being a strong leader and communicator can really help you in the future.

  3. Ben

    I love your that stanza, would love to see the rest of the poem! If you need help finding a job in a kitchen somewhere I can try my best to help you. My high school literally has job offers left and right for students/alumni

    • Tyrah

      Hey sorry for the late reply just email me and i’ll show you the rest of the poem for sure! and it would be great if you could help I appreciate you for even thinking about extending a hand.

  4. Prof. Karen Goodlad

    Many chefs’ journeys begin in the childhood kitchen!
    Thank you for sharing your poetry.

  5. Maria Isabel Gonzalez


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