Course Information
Students research historical event/movement for the purposes of a user experience (exhibition) through space. Using type and image at large scale students will design a 360-degree user experience based on their research and storytelling. Students will also develop a wayfinding system for instruction on how to display and discover the exhibit.
This course offers rotating topics in the graphic design field. Current topics include signage and way-finding systems, exhibition design, lettering, experimental typography, typeface design and others. (Students can take this twice with a different topic.)
Prerequisite COMD 2400 or department permission
Course Objectives
- Explore best practices for exhibition and wayfinding design including considerations for costs, project management, and sustainable materials.
- Expose students to design problems that are dimensional in nature and/ or exist in a physical space.
- Explore 3-dimensional design principles as they relate to space and human behavior.
- Define and explain exhibition space design and wayfinding theory.
General Education Outcome
- Oral Communication Prepare and deliver oral communication that promotes knowledge and understanding.
- Thinking Critically Think critically to evaluate evidence and the perspectives of others before accepting or formulating an opinion.
- Information literacy Research and evaluate information sources.
The COMD BFA and AAS degrees are design studio programs. In-class laboratory activities and engagement with other students are a significant portion of the courses. Absences of more than 10% of the total class hours may result in a 10% drop from your grade due to an inability to meet the deliverables of participation. This may be in addition to other penalties that will be imposed for failure to complete in-class academic requirements. Missing more than 25% of total class meetings will not be permitted. Any two ‘lates’ (15 minutes or more) will be equal to 1 absence.
Additional options for meaningful engagement will include:
- Written reflection on course content—e.g. discussion board or blog posts
- Completion of sample problems or quizzes
- Asynchronous or synchronous discussions with a peer group or a partner in the course
- Turning in other assignments that demonstrate achievement of the course’s learning goals
Class Etiquette & Netiquette
Learning is a group activity. The behavior of each person in class affects the overall learning environment. As a COMD student you are expected to act in a professional manner; to be respectful of the learning process, your instructor, and your fellow students.
- OpenLab Community Guidelines.
- Netiquette Guide (CUNY School of Professional Studies)
Class Policies
- If you miss a class or will be missing a class, you must send me an email.
- Use your City Tech email for all school business.
- Keep and backup all the exercises and projects that you have created throughout the semester.
- You are expected to keep up with the class blog.
- You will be penalized for late work; typically one point for each dayyou are late.
- Missed assignments will earn a zero.
- No partial credit will be given.
- No social media or texting during class.
- I reserve the right to reject you from class and give you an absence for the day.
- Respect your classmates as you would be respected. No food or drink allowed in the labs.
- When you email me, please write the subject line as follows: COMD 3505 [Your Name]
- You have the option to revisit earlier projects and revise them based on original comments. If you feel you can improve your grade, this is your opportunity.
- If you will not be able to present or hand in a project on the scheduled day, it is your responsibility to notify me PRIOR to the due date and request alternate arrangements.
- Points will be deducted from your project grade for missed critiques.
- Late or missing work due to technological malfunctions such as a failed computer or flash drive will not be excused.
Required Material
- Sketchbook
- Tracing Paper
- Pencils
- Markers
- External Drive/Cloud access
Suggested Texts
- Signage and Wayfinding Design: A Complete Guide to Creating Environmental Graphic Design Systems 2nd Edition by Chris Calori and David Vanden-Eynden ISBN-13: 978-1118692998
Additional E-Resources
- Academic One File has always been an excellent general database for undergraduate research. The depth of full-text offerings has recently been improved.
- Ebook Central is an expansive collection of ebooks that can be searched either through the catalog or as a standalone database. Here you can get Meirelles, Isabel, the recommended reading listed above.
- The Wall Street Journal is free to the entire City Tech Community. Activate your free subscription today!
- The New York Times Sign up for your free academic pass or renew your subscription.