Hw 12.2

So for my final project i think I will go with the racing game. It’s going to be a car going up a vertical road so the car moves up and the incomeing traffic moves down. I plan on uses 3 car classes so there is my array. I will make a car class, a truck class , and a bike class. My truck class will be 2x wider than the cars and the bikes will be 1/2 as wide, but 2x as fast. I might put a scoreing system if I am able to figure it out. I don’t think it should be too difficult. If I do put a score system then I also want to increase difficulty for every 500 points the traffic speed goes up. each car is 50 points. You earn points for every  car/truck/bike that makes it pass the bottom of the screen without you crashing. I haven’t start on this project yet but I know i will need classes, arrays, collison testing using if statements, key commands by using void keypressed to move my car, for loops, random to generate random car/truck/bike.

I will  add pictures last after I finish everything else. I plan on building the road first, then build my classes, then put my car on the road then other cars, then collision testing, then car/trucks/bike, then the score system, then pictures

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Matthew Soto HW 12.2

For my game I know the I going to need one object but a massive amount of arrays. First I would need an array of bullets. This array of bullets will be used to show the player the amount of bullets the they have left before they need to reload. The array will contain a total of six pictures of bullets and all have slightly different x’s and Y’s. The next array would be of the different target. The target of the main part of the have the game and target image will change for each level. Each target will have random x and y positions in order to give the illusion it is moving around and making it more difficult for the player. Each set of targets will contain different arrays for the different images.  The one object that will be needed is the crosshair, which will guide the player as they move the mouse. Other than objects and arrays, I hope to add a life bar and a score count as well as add a sound every time the player would click the mouse.

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Homework 12.2

For my final i have in mind to creat a puzzle. I will need a class for the squares which will be the pieces to the puzzle. Data variables will be int x (x position), int y (y position), int w (width), int h (height). Functions will be to display the squares, and also to move them. I will need mouse functions such as mousePressed. I will need an array of 16. I also want to have a timer for the game.

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Jad Atoui – HW 12.1 – Final Project

For my final project I would like to create an interactive audio visual tool that is supposed to reflect my current interests in sound, music and how graphics can work with music. I would like to build on my sampler project and see if I can mimic the behavior of sampler / VJ tool .
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Jad Atoui – HW 11.2


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For my final i have two ideas in mind. One is a card matching game, or create a puzzle that would be shuffled then put back together.

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I don’t know what to choose so i got three things i want to do, two of these things will be a game and one would be animation. The first game will be a matching game where you have to match the photos and the second game would be like a  jeopardy game where there a time limit and you have to answer the question and each questions will worth points. The third idea is making a domino effect when the ball hit one rectangle and that rectangle will hit another rectangles and make a domino effect.

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HW 12.1

For the final, I plan on doing an interactive story. It’ll be like one of those Japanese Visual Novels where the story would ask you to make a decision. The choices the player makes opens up to a various number of endings. And depending on the choices. they’ll end up with a bad ending or a good ending.

Depending on how ambitious I am, the images that I’ll end up using will be drawn by hand. The length of the game itself will be relatively short compared to an actual visual novel.

It’ll look something like this:

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Idea for Final

I have an idea for the final, which is probably out of my league, to do a game of hangman. It’s going to be just like regular hangman. I will already have words set for you guys to guess and all you have to do is guess them. There will be a couple of rounds but I haven’t decided how many yet. This is my idea for my final so far but I might change it if I don’t figure out how to do this.

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final project idea

well for my final project i yet dont no what i want to create but some ideas that came to me were.something like game in which the user has to get to the finish line before time runs out with some obstacles on the way to make it harder . some other things was to create some sound wave type of thing( i don’t no yet ) exactly yet. or like a mix and match idea i still dont no which one i would choose.

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