Midterm Blog Post

my original idea for the midterm project was to create three different mini games that will be activated once the user clicks on a certain button. i was only able to complete one game which was tic-tac-toe. there were many challenges i faced such as trying to set the circle and the square when the user clicked but i accomplished it. also when a user wins to stop the game and using states so that when the game finished it would restart. i was not able to accomplish that. i would like to improve this application by completing the goals that i was not able to accomplish.

PImage myImage;
int a = 100;
int b = 100;
int mouseClicks = 0;
int ellipseX1;
int ellipseY1;
int ellipseX2;
int ellipseY2;
int ellipseX3;
int ellipseY3;
int ellipseX4;
int ellipseY4;
int ellipseX5;
int ellipseY5;
int rectX1;
int rectY1;
int rectX2;
int rectY2;
int rectX3;
int rectY3;
int rectX4;
int rectY4;
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
/*boolean testRect1 = false;
boolean testRect2 = false;
boolean testRect3 = false;*/
boolean player1win = false;
boolean player2win = false;
int drawRect1;
int drawRect2;
int drawRect3;
int drawRect4;
int drawRect5;
int drawRect6;
int drawRect7;
int drawRect8;
int drawRect9;

void setup(){
size(600, 600);
background(77, 50, 191);
tint(0, 153, 204, 126);
myImage = loadImage(“processing.jpg”);
void draw(){
background(77, 50, 191);

image(myImage, 401, 401, 198, 198);


//draws first circle
if(mouseClicks == 0|| mouseClicks == 2|| mouseClicks == 4|| mouseClicks == 6|| mouseClicks == 8){
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, a, a);// allows follows mouse
if(mouseClicks > 0){
ellipse(ellipseX1, ellipseY1, a, a);
//draws first square
if(mouseClicks == 1|| mouseClicks == 3|| mouseClicks == 5|| mouseClicks == 7|| mouseClicks == 9){
rect(mouseX, mouseY, b, b);
if(mouseClicks > 1){
rect(rectX1, rectY1, b, b);
//draws second circle
if(mouseClicks == 0|| mouseClicks == 2|| mouseClicks == 4|| mouseClicks == 6|| mouseClicks == 8){
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, a, a);// allows follows mouse
if(mouseClicks > 2){
ellipse(ellipseX2, ellipseY2, a, a);
//draws second square
if(mouseClicks == 1|| mouseClicks == 3|| mouseClicks == 5|| mouseClicks == 7|| mouseClicks == 9){
rect(mouseX, mouseY, b, b);
if(mouseClicks > 3){
rect(rectX2, rectY2, b, b);
//draws third circle
if(mouseClicks == 0|| mouseClicks == 2|| mouseClicks == 4|| mouseClicks == 6|| mouseClicks == 8){
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, a, a);// allows follows mouse
if(mouseClicks > 4){
ellipse(ellipseX3, ellipseY3, a, a);
//draws third square
if(mouseClicks == 1|| mouseClicks == 3|| mouseClicks == 5|| mouseClicks == 7|| mouseClicks == 9){
rect(mouseX, mouseY, b, b);
if(mouseClicks > 5){
rect(rectX3, rectY3, b, b);
//draws fourth circle
if(mouseClicks == 0|| mouseClicks == 2|| mouseClicks == 4|| mouseClicks == 6|| mouseClicks == 8){
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, a, a);// allows follows mouse
if(mouseClicks > 6){
ellipse(ellipseX4, ellipseY4, a, a);
//draws fourth square
if(mouseClicks == 1|| mouseClicks == 3|| mouseClicks == 5|| mouseClicks == 7|| mouseClicks == 9){
rect(mouseX, mouseY, b, b);
if(mouseClicks > 7){
rect(rectX4, rectY4, b, b);
//draws fifth circle
if(mouseClicks == 0|| mouseClicks == 2|| mouseClicks == 4|| mouseClicks == 6|| mouseClicks == 8){
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, a, a);// allows follows mouse
if(mouseClicks > 8){
ellipse(ellipseX5, ellipseY5, a, a);

if ((drawRect1 == 1 && drawRect2 == 1 && drawRect3 == 1) || (drawRect1 == 1 && drawRect4 == 1 && drawRect7 == 1)) // this is only testing two ways of winning but you would write out all of the possible ways of winning
player1win = true; //a global boolean variable to keep track of who wins
rect(0, 0, width, height);

void mousePressed(){
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 50, 50);
mouseClicks ++;
if(mouseClicks == 1){
ellipseX1 = mouseX;
ellipseY1 = mouseY;
if(mouseClicks == 2){
rectX1 = mouseX;
rectY1 = mouseY;
if(mouseClicks == 3){
ellipseX2 = mouseX;
ellipseY2 = mouseY;
if(mouseClicks == 4){
rectX2 = mouseX;
rectY2 = mouseY;
if(mouseClicks == 5){
ellipseX3 = mouseX;
ellipseY3 = mouseY;
if(mouseClicks == 6){
rectX3 = mouseX;
rectY3 = mouseY;
if(mouseClicks == 7){
ellipseX4 = mouseX;
ellipseY4 = mouseY;
if(mouseClicks == 8){
rectX4 = mouseX;
rectY4 = mouseY;
if(mouseClicks == 9){
ellipseX5 = mouseX;
ellipseY5 = mouseY;
/*drawRect1 = testRect1(mouseX, mouseY);
drawRect2 = testRect2(mouseX, mouseY);
drawRect3 = testRect3(mouseX, mouseY);
drawRect4 = testRect4(mouseX, mouseY);
drawRect5 = testRect5(mouseX, mouseY);
drawRect6 = testRect6(mouseX, mouseY);
drawRect7 = testRect7(mouseX, mouseY);
drawRect8 = testRect8(mouseX, mouseY);
drawRect9 = testRect9(mouseX, mouseY);*/

void drawCell1(){
fill(211, 30, 194);
rect(0, 0, 200, 200);
void drawCell2(){
rect(200, 0, 200, 200);
void drawCell3(){
fill(255, 0, 0);
rect(200, 0, 200, 200);
void drawCell4(){
fill(203, 41, 90);
rect(0, 200, 200, 200);
void drawCell5(){
fill(61, 151, 178);
rect(200, 200, 200, 200);
void drawCell6(){
fill(41, 185, 47);
rect(400, 200, 200, 200);
void drawCell7(){
fill(224, 218, 32);
rect(0, 400, 200, 200);
void drawCell8(){
fill(245, 137, 22);
rect(200, 400, 200, 200);
void drawCell9(){
fill(255, 0, 0);
rect(400, 400, 200, 200);
/*int testRect0(int x, int y, int mouseClicks){ //test the top left rectangle, write 8 other functions to test the other areas
if(x > 0 && x < width/3 && y > 0 && y < height/3 && (mouseClicks == 0 || mouseClicks == 2 || mouseCLicks == 4 || mouseClicks == 6 || mouseClicks == 8)){
return 1; //there’s a x in the area
else if(x > 0 && x < width/3 && y > 0 && y< height/3 && (mouseClicks == 1 || mouseClicks == 3 || mouseCLicks == 5 || mouseClicks == 7 || mouseClicks == 9)){
return 2; //there’s an o in the area
return 0; //nothing is in the area

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