All posts by nicoleland3

Hello students of Chemistry 1101 and Math 1275!

Hiya! I’m Nicole from English 1101 and I was wondering if any of you guys would be willing to answer a few school related questions for a future paper we’re writing in class. It wouldn’t be anything too serious, simply an interview that I can base any upcoming ideas for said paper on. If you’re able/interested, my email is I will edit this should I be contacted by someone. I’ll be waiting! 🙂

“Climate change causes confusion for endangered penguins in search for food” by the Independent

“Climate change causes confusion for endangered penguins in search for food” is an article published by the European newspaper The Independent that addresses how both fisheries and climate change has led to threaten the extinction of the African Penguin. It mentions how these penguins are conditioned to search for food in the colder areas of the ocean as in the past, these areas would be filled with sardines and anchovies, the typical food for the African Penguin. However, climate change has made said areas into “ecological traps” that, given time, will push the African Penguin to certain death. The fish leave due to the warmth of the water and as such, the penguins are left with no possible food source. They starve to death, unable to find food for themselves or their families. Such has left the breeding numbers of the species to become 50 percent lower than normal, with an unsure guesstimate of around 80,000 adult penguins left in the wild. My question for you readers is: How would you feel if every living animal was affected by this dilemma? And what do you think we can do to help?