”Human impact on the oceans is growing and climate change is the biggest culprit”

The article” Human impact on the oceans is growing and climate change is the biggest culprit”by Chelsea Harvey discusses how humans are destroying oceans.The sciencetists use a scale to find out how much damage humans are doing between 2008 and 2013. The researchers found out alot of the ocean water get destroyed by humans . Many of the places where this happened is coastal places like Faroe Islands,the eastern Caribean,cape verde and the azore islandsttps://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2015/07/1

5 thoughts on “”Human impact on the oceans is growing and climate change is the biggest culprit””

  1. I agree that humans are greatly contribution to water pollution. From the things we use to the clothes we wear, we are greatly impacting the environment. Fibers in our clothes are polluting our oceans. A study found that “microfibers travel to your local wastewater treatment plant, where up to 40% of them enter rivers, lakes and oceans.” These microfibers can then poison our foods. Below is an article with more information.

  2. I totally agree with this! As stated in the article I summarized, “Climate change causes confusion for endangered penguins in search for food”, the increased water level of the oceans and the change of their temperature has greatly changed the animals and environment around us. With the water level rising, such will harm not only the water level, but the living beings around us. With the fishes changing their swimming patterns and the predispositioned animals believing the fishes would still be there, more and more animals die from starvation each year. It changes the climate and the animals begin to move from habitat to habitat, thus making the whole thread of the animal kingdom unravel. It is much more than just climate change, it affects all of us in terrible ways.


  3. Climate change and the effects it has in the environment should be concerning to everyone, the amount of pollution that we are creating is bringing great environment struggles and harm. The air and water pollution is greatly impacting our ecosystem and animals. Coastal water pollution is due to the high amount of pollution in those areas. I read an article that discussed a mass of garbage in the Pacific Ocean the size of Texas, we are also seeing the rapid destruction of coral reefs, that are irreversible. The water pollution is something that should be concerning, since it could greatly effect our water supply.

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