Writing for the Public

Author: Keysha Lopez (Page 5 of 6)

Keysha Lopez “Is marriage obsolete”

At first, the article about privacy caught my attention. But I saw that it was connected to covid 19 and it did not attract my attention so much because in reality I am tired of reading and hearing about the pandemic and all the damage that the pandemic caused.

Therefore I decided to choose another article that was “Is marriage Absolute” because it is a topic that I would like to know more about. One thing I learned from this article was that I didn’t know that single women live longer than married women. While married men live longer than single men. The reason why I think it is due to stereotypes is that women are usually the ones who are responsible for the home and the man spends the whole day away from home while the woman stays doing the chores. But today, women have learned to become more emotionally and economically independent. therefore it does not need as much of a man as in the old days.

Another point that I found very interesting about the article is that high expectations make a good marriage. This seemed very interesting to me because I believe that in manifesting and that everything is in your mind of how you want or want to see things.

The way the author used research was by demonstrating what marriage was like in the 1800s and 1900s. He also used the example of his daughter who does not want to marry, therefore it is the voice of many people who nowadays do not want to marry either. The reason why the daughter of the writer thinks that way is because she had the perfect example of why not to marry because she saw for herself what it was and what it was like to be married by her parent’s example.

This article fulfilled my expectations because I wanted to know a little more about marriage. I think that marriage is something very beautiful (at first) but it is not always like that, therefore we have to be aware that it will be difficult. I also believe that first we have to find happiness for ourselves than to go running to find it with someone else. we have to go one step at a time.


“Manita” by Keysha Lopez (final draft)

Keysha Lopez  (Final draft)

             On May 4 of 2012, Mi Manita was born in the Dominican Republic. At first, I felt jealous because all her attention was from her and I was only ten years old. At that time I didn’t understand the amount of attention and time that a baby needed. But Manita became my everything. I learned how to change a baby’s diaper for the first time, How to carry a baby and how to fit her as well, and many other things. She changed my whole life because with only 10 years I had the privilege of taking care of her and always being there for her when she needs me.

One year later Manita was born, and Thanks to my stepdad My mother, Manita, and I came to the United States. When we arrived in the United States, Manita and I had a great change in our lives. We went from playing on a large patio to playing in a small apartment. I came to this country with a purpose and it was to have a better future. For me, it is important to give a good example to mi Manita. I found out that I had more responsibility for what example I wanted to give my Manita since all children copy everything they see. I like to be an example for her and to copy all the good things about me. Of course, we have a slightly different character but I still want the best for her. To this day I still have the responsibility of setting a good example because I am the oldest Manita. Apart from being her sister, I am her friend. 

My Manita influences my life a lot because I don’t want her to go through the mistakes that I made. When I started learning how to read, I had a bad time trying to learn how to read. Usually, my mom sat with me to teach me but the way she did it wasn’t the right thing to do. At that moment she felt scared to read the words that she was saying to me wrong because she was going to scold me. something that my mom didn’t have at that time was patience. In my case, I always try to be patient with my brother. When it comes to explaining any homework given to My Manita at school, I try to explain to her in a way that she understands and that keeps her interested. because the format of schools is sometimes boring and does not hold the interest of children. but I like that she feels loved and safe with me and that I am the first person that she tells her when she needs help with anything. and I try to do everything possible for Manita.

I remember that there are still people who see me walking with that beautiful girl and ask me who she is. And they are surprised when I tell them that she is my sister. Well, because we have different eye colors and some think that we don’t look alike. At first, I felt bad and there was a moment in my life that my self-esteem was on the floor. because I saw that people considered my sister prettier. Most of the people asked me why don’t draw the same eyes if we are sisters? and my answer was simply that we are daughters of different fathers. But deep down in that comment, I felt insecure and bad. until I realized that everyone in the world is special. She wasn’t white or blue-eyed but she was La Morenita of the family. and I had the privilege of being very similar to my beautiful mother. My Manita does not look so much like me but nevertheless, the affection we have for each other is conditional.

 Manita is very attached to me. In my junior year of high school, I went on a field trip to Washington DC for three days. She always called me facetime from her tablet. Manita spent the three days that I was on the trip bored and sad. Whenever I am going to go somewhere I have to give her explanations as if she were my mother. She always wants to be where I am. But we have different ages and I can’t take her to places where there are no children because she will get bored. Anyway, I have to leave her at home even if it hurts to leave her crying. When I go out with my friends, Manita always waits for me to get home. Every time she goes to sleep she always says “ Manita please arrascame”. She doesn’t fall asleep if I don’t scratch her back. She is such an attachment, that she has on me that the truth is I don’t know if I am doing her harm. I don’t know if I did something wrong in Añoñarla so much. 

I am neither the first nor the last person to call his sister Manita. This word many people from Latin America use to call a very close person. Some call friends Manita, it all depends on the relationship that they have because if you see that friend as more than just a friend that’s your Manita. This word can be used in two different ways. It’s as if they have two in one with the word “Manita”. In English, it does not sound the same as in Spanish because Manita I came as a sister in Spanish. I use the same concept with my brother who has been my Manito. Something that I enjoy hearing is that my five-year-old brother also calls my sister Manita. I like that the traditions and affectionate names that we say to our brothers pass from generation to generation. no matter how big she would always be my Manita. I love my sister so much that I only use the word Manita with her.  I only call Manito to my brother and Manita to my sister.


Keysha Lopez_First draft

On May 4 of 2012, my Manita was born in the Dominican Republic. At first I felt jealous because all her attention was from her and I was only ten years old. But MIMANITA became my everything. I learned how to change a baby’s diaper for the first time, to feed him among many other things. MIMANITA, no matter how big she is, I will always continue to see her as a baby. She was my first Manita. I lived ten years of my life as an only daughter and then you will come into my life. I changed my whole life because with only 10 years I had the privilege of taking care of her and always being there for her when she needs me.

As time went by, I found out that I had more responsibility for what example I wanted to give my Manita since all children copy everything they see. I like to be an example for her and to copy all the good things about me. Of course we have a slightly different character but I still want the best for her. To this day I still have the responsibility of setting a good example because I am the oldest Manita. In spite of how strict she is, my mother always likes to show and tell my Manita that she can trust me. Apart from being her sister I am her friend. It’s as if they have two in one with the word Manita. IN ENGLISH it does not sound the same as in Spanish because Manita I came as a sister in Spanish. I use the same concept with my brother who has been my Manita.

My Manita influences my life a lot because I don’t want her to go through the mistakes that I made. When I started learning to read, I had a bad time trying to learn how to read. Usually my mom sat with me to teach me but the way she did it wasn’t the right thing to do. at that moment she felt ususada to read the letter that she was saying to me wrong because she was going to scold me. something that my mom didn’t have at that time was patience. In my case, I always try to be patient with my brother. When it comes to explaining any homework given to My manita at school, I try to explain to her in a way that she understands and that keeps her interested. because the format of schools is sometimes boring and does not hold the interest of children. and I try to do everything possible for MY little hand to learn.

I remember that there are still people who see me walking with that beautiful girl and ask me who she is. And they are surprised when I tell them that she is my sister. Well, because we have different eye colors and some think that we don’t look alike. At first I felt bad and there was a moment in my life that my self-esteem was on the floor. because I saw that people considered my sister prettier. Most of the people asked me why don’t we draw the same eyes if we are sisters? and my answer was simply that we are daughters of different parents. But deep down in that comment I felt insecure and bad. until I realized that everyone in the world is special. She wasn’t white or blue-eyed but she was La morenita  of the family. and I had the privilege of being very similar to my beautiful mother. My Manita  does not look so much like me but nevertheless the affection we have for each other is conditional.

My Manita is very attached to me. I remember when in my junior year of high school she went on a field trip to Washington DC for three days. She always called me face-time from her tablet. I spent the three days that I was on the ride bored and sad. Whenever I am going to go somewhere I have to give her explanations as if she were my mother. She always wants to be where I am. But we have different ages and I can’t take her to places where there are no children because she will get bored. Anyway, I have to leave her at home even if it hurts to leave her crying. when I go out my Manita she always waits for me to be awake so that I can drag her back. she doesn’t fall asleep if I don’t. She is such a great attachment that she has on me that the truth is I don’t know if I am doing her a harm. I don’t know if I did something wrong in Añoñarla so much. but I like that she feels loved and safe with me and that I am the first person that she tells her when she needs help with something.


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