1. The prompt for this unit asks you to answer one or both of the following questions: “How has the past year challenged or changed you?” or “What have you learned in the past year that you would like to share with others?”  But remember, you may have learned something surprising and not at all covid-related!  What do you think you would like to write about in this unit?

– I  would like to write about in this unit how the past year has changed me is that I spend more time by myself.

2. The assignment also asks you to be specific– to talk about a particular aspect of the year that only you can talk about (or to tweak it in your own particular way!) How do you intend to get specific? 

– I intend on getting specific is addressing the songs I listen to, explaining why social media is a waste of space, and talking about the environments I am placed in that can be from college to workplace.

3.  What kind of document are you thinking about making? A video essay with interviews? A video of you reciting a poem? A series of infographics? A comic book? Look at the Unit Three assignment for ideas, but you can branch out from there if you like.  Remember, the requirement is that you use words and images  OR words and sounds OR words, images and sounds.

– The kind of document I am thinking about making is a Carrd. A Carrd is “simple, free, fully responsive one-page sites for pretty much anything.”

4. What are your concerns about this assignment?

– One of my concerns about this assignment is that I might overthink, which will make me eat too many words, and throwing up my word salad.