Writing for the Public

Climate change

The product that satisfies consumers daily lives are causing climate change because of those products we are destroying trees and releasing a massive amount of CO2, machine, etc. in our atmosphere. These gases go up in our atmosphere and stop the heat of the sun to go out of this world. Which causes global warming and because of global warming climate change occurs. The Earth is getting warmer and warmer and because of it the ice and the glacier of the North Pole and the South Pole are melting. So, the sea level is rising and if it keeps going like this, one day most of the Earth’s land will disappear.


One of the ways that we could use a massive amount of carbon dioxide and other she tripping gas is a fossil fuel. “The burning of coal, oil, and gas. Burning these materials is how we get most of the energy that we use every day and burning these materials makes tons of toxic gases, such as carbon dioxide, into the air. These gases are called Greenhouse gases.” This means the energy that you use in everyday life comes from burning coal, oil, and gas which releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases which trap heat cause climate change.


One other way we are releasing a lot of CO2 is by farming palm oil. Palm oil is a big part of our life. We use it in almost every product in our daily life. “According to one analysis, from 1990 to 2010 9.6 million hectares of land were converted land was converted to industrial palm oil farms in Indonesia, Malaysia and papua new Guinea.”. They convert those jangles by burning trees which releases tons of co2 in the air. Then that co2 goes up in our atmosphere and it traps the sunlight which makes our earth warmer and warmer. And this causes climate change.

We use palm oil in almost every product in our daily life. “Around the world, the oil from its meat and seeds has long been an indispensable ingredient in everything from soap to ice cream.” palm oil is cheap and is really famous and the world, so it is being used in our daily life products around the world. To farm palm oil, we are cutting a lot of trees that were holding a ton of CO2 and now releasing it. “Deep tropical rainforest of Indonesia and particular the Peatland regions of Borneo have a large amount of carbon dioxide trapped within their trees and soil. Slashing and burning the existing flights to make the way for oil palm cultivation had a perverse effect: it’s believed more carbons.” please captures a lot of seating for us and when we bring all those trees for Palm all for me it releases a mass amount of CO2 in the atmosphere all at once which causes climate change. According to “The world wildlife fund estimated that an area about the size of 300 football fields is cleared each hour in the tropical rainforest for palm oil production.” This shows that we are cutting up thousands of cheeses and losing tons of CO2 do you know it’s mostly just to make palm oil.




So, to save the Earth we have to stop global warming, and to stop global warming we have to find other alternatives for palm oil and fossil fuels.

1 Comment

  1. Carrie Hall

    Rakib, here are your comments: http://somup.com/crfVFmb5Sw

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