Hi everyone, your homework for Tuesday is to read and annotate “Understanding Discourse Communities” on Perusall.  I have asked a number of questions this time which I would like you to answer.  This is your entire homework assignment (no OpenLab post!)

Remember, all readings for this course will be found on Perusall.com.  You will need to log in to find them! Almost everyone is doing this, but a few people haven’t done any assignments on Perusall– and you need to make sure you know what’s going on over there because that’s at least half of the homework for this class! If you’re confused, please contact me at chall@citytech.cuny.edu and we’ll sort it out.

If you would like, sign up for our Slack channel here: https://join.slack.com/t/citytech-xmy9732/shared_invite/zt-m14dumt3-vMD2SehdY2Ny_ekZQ48PrgThis isn’t required, but is a way for us to have chats (or for you to have chats with each other without me– you can do it without me seeing.) I can also send you reminders about upcoming deadlines and so forth.  It’s an app for your computer or phone.  I’m learning it too– but I’m told it’s a good way to keep in touch.  You can use whichever email you like (it doesn’t have to be Citytech)