Hall English 1101 Fall 2020

Author: Esther (Page 2 of 10)

Unit one revised


To revise my unit one writing I had to listen to the comments made by Ms hall to know what needed to be changed. I was told that I gave too much details which I didn’t notice when I reread my writing.I took off a good amount of unnecessary details and separated my writing into paragraphs because in my original writing it was just one big paragraph, I was glad that she helped me notice that because If I saw one big paragraph I would not be interested to read it either. 

On one spring/summer transitioning day I  woke up tired wishing there was no school or at least that my math teacher would be absent. Not only did I not want to go to school but my room was cold because it was still spring. And the coldest part of the day was when the sun was just starting to rise. It was about 54 degrees according to channel 11 news which my grandma listened to when she is getting ready for work . And that makes it colder for the workers. As I finally got up from bed  I did my morning prayers and told my grandmother good morning as she was rushing for work leaving me $5 lunch money and my favorite breakfast eggs and cheese with french fries on the side ( i know it’s weird lol!).

 As I was getting ready I realized that time was going by fast so i had to eat the food quickly so that i could leave to walk to school and also buy lunch before i go in . I left the house at 7:15 am wanting lunch but not knowing what to buy. So I decided to get a turkey sandwich and a pina colada Arizona juice at the local Mexican deli. 


 That day I was wearing my blue polo shirt and black skirt because that was my school uniform school for eighth graders . Then my sandwich was finally done and as I was walking to school I saw parents passing by me with their kids walking in the opposite direction .As they were passing by I was reminiscing my elementary school days and wishing that these kids would enjoy themselves because junior high is a bit more tense.   Eventually I finally reached the junction. It was like a hudde reunion hall where all of my school mates meet coming from different places to go to school. As I stood waiting for the light to change I saw my group of friends shouting my name and out of excitement I ran to them to give them a hug.Then we walked to school and finally reached,  we parted ways and my joy went away because I knew my first class was math class which I dread.


 When I finally reached the cool sparkling wooden floored  room I saw my classmates getting themselves situated in their assigned seats, So I  walked to my seat and got myself situated.  The lesson began and as the lesson was going on my mind wandered off out of boredom and that’s when my teacher decided to ask me a question that I couldn’t answer and because I couldn’t answer the question my teacher said something that really hurt my feelings which was to “go wash my mouth in the bathroom because that’s where my words were coming from”.


 when I looked to my left and right the students kept their heads down because they knew how embarrassed i was. I kept quiet for the remaining time and couldn’t wait to go home. I finally got home and I prayed because that’s what I do when I feel down. I decided to call my godmother and she told me to not worry and that she would help me with my math class. Any question that I got wrong from any of my assignments she helped me with them.  I was progressing so well that  now I was helping my classmates. As the school year went on I realized that what I went through was wrong but if I didn’t go through it I would not have been humble enough to have the patience to help my classmates because some of them didn’t have the patience to help me. 


Through this my perspective in education changed  and it made me realize that everyone learns differently some quicker than others but regardless of it as a student you should keep on going because even if all else fails you still need to be different and make a change for yourself,family and the generations to come. This experience didn’t break me but made me new and see the importance of education from another level. I wrote my experience to tell my peers to keep their heads up especially during this pandemic because if you don’t do what’s best for yourself you’re only going to drag in life. And this experience also made me realize that education isn’t only  something that is being taught inside of a classroom but also is something that is being taught through your obstacles in life and it’s your choice on if you want to learn or not and giving up is not an option. You must go on. One thing that I think I’ll need help with is giving more concrete information because I feel like I don’t give enough and also this is my first college essay draft. On another note I’m also very proud because this is my first essay with 1051 word count. LOL

Unit 3

Hello my fellow teenagers/ young adults! In this Ted Talk I will be talking about how to differentiate love and lust. Love is one word that has been trending as of late because a lot of us are having the cravings of being held, spoken nicely too and even someone to call our own. While we are seeing these things there has been another thing that has been trending around social media and that is “DTN4FL” (don’t trust niggas for life) and the reason why is because a lot of us have gotten our hearts broken by someone who wasnt meant to be in our lives in the first place. Sometimes the experience is needed so we can share it with one another to help eachother grow. But based on my research I feel like we can detect if what we have between us and that significant other is true love of lust.When I was searching for resources I found this Ted Talk called “ is it love or lust by Terri Orbuch” and as i was listening to her she was explaining a few steps on how to know if it’s love and she said “ When its love there is nothing to hide, when it’s love you will want to present that person to your family as your significant other” and it’s very rare for young adults to present their significant others to their family (unless they know that their kid is a heartbreaker). As young people we all desire that ideal high school relationship that will one day lead to marriage further in the future but when you think about it those types of relationships are very rare. As I continued to listen Terri said that “it’s lust when both people in the relationship are just thinking about themselves “. My main point is that observing is key in the relationship, with observation you will be able to know where the relationship is headed too.


The element that I chose to use in my writing is development because in every assignment that has to be done I’d like for myself and the person who is reading to develop a newer form of thinking . I would want my writing to make a positive and informative change to the readers mental state. I can always apply this development in my writing by doing more research and adding more details in my writing. I chose this element over all of the others because in life Learning is key. We are always learning something inside and outside of school and when you learning something new is developing in your mind. And so when i’m writing I want someone to develop something positive when the are reading one of my writings. And that is why I chose development as my element.

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