Hall English 1101 Fall 2020

Author: Carrie Hall (Page 3 of 10)


Yes, this is the homework for WEDNESDAY– meaning I am giving you a week– but remember, this is a LOT of work!  I’m giving you a week so you get something done.  Your main task is to work on Unit 3.  By Noon Weds, Nov 18, please post as much of Unit 3 as you have done.  We will spend most of class talking about projects.  Simply presenting ANYTHING counts toward your final essay grade (that is, you have two options: post a rough draft and get full credit, don’t post a rough draft and get zero credit.)

I would also like everyone to write a brief blog post (approx 150 words) about the mentor text you found in class on Weds.

  • Who is the audience of that mentor text? Would they also be interested in your project for Unit 3 (they should be!)
  • Look at the intro of that mentor text– or if it’s something like a website, etc.. look at how the designers got the viewers interested– how do the writers “hook” the readers?  Can you learn anything about how to hook your readers from this text?)
  • How are they using formatting or visuals?  Are they using pictures? Headings? Subtitles? Etc… Will this help you in your own formatting?

NOTE: you do not have to copy your mentor text exactly, but remember– if you are writing a TED talk, looking at a TED talk you like will probably help you learn how to put one together.  If you are writing for TIME magazine, you should look at TIME magazine articles to see what they look like!

I am finishing up comments on Unit Two– I may have told you I need to meet with you on Monday– if so, or if you want to meet with me on Mon for any reason, please sign up for office hours here: https://calendly.com/chall-citytech/office-hours. Please be on time!  If you’re late, you might miss your appointment.

Many people need to review P-I-E paragraphs. HERE is the link to the PIE slideshow.  Please review it!  Remember, every paragraph should only have one main point.  Really long paragraphs with multiple points are very confusing to readers!


Due by noon, Friday Nov 6: Proposal for Unit 3!

Hi everyone!  so, for Friday, you need a proposal for Unit 3.  If you missed Wednesday’s class, the first thing you should do is read the description of Unit 3 (under “major assignments”) and then you should do the questionnaire here: https://forms.gle/7acmutKhTjukdvUm8

For everyone that was in class, you can skip right to the assignment, which is this:

WRITE:  You will need to write a proposal of at least 200 words outlining what you plan to do for Unit 3. Post to website. This proposal should tell us: 

  • A 1-2 sentence statement of what you want to teach your audience (the most important thing you learned in Unit 2) 
  • The audience you are trying to reach
  • The genre you are planning to write in and why you chose it
  • What you know about this genre, or how you plan to learn about the genre (watch TED talks, read speeches, read how-tos, etc)
  • A plan — how do you intend to get started?  Spend a little time on this.  Write out your first three steps.  What are you going to do?  
  • Anything you might be worried about.  What are your concerns about finishing this project? 

Some things to consider: this is a writing assignment.  There can (and probably should) be other elements like images or sound– if those fit, but you definitely need to have writing! If you do a video, you will need to write a script or an outline.

Remember– when you choose what type of piece (what genre) you are going to write: a TED Talk, a song, an article for a teen magazine, an informative brochure, etc…, the most important thing to consider is this: WHO IS YOUR AUDIENCE AND WHY WOULD THEY READ OR LISTEN TO OR WATCH THIS GENRE? Pick something that’s going to reach your intended audience!

START:  Start working on the project!

Due by noon Weds, Nov 11:

READ and DEJ: “Annoying Ways People Use Sources” by Kyle Stedman: https://wac.colostate.edu/books/writingspaces2/stedman–annoying-ways.pdf

Post your DEJ on the website with post (below) 

WRITE:  Just as a little spoiler, you should know that the things that annoy Kyle Stedman are not really particular to him. In general, these are things worth avoiding in your writing, though some conventions may vary, as Stedman himself points out, from genre to genre.  Please write a two-part response after reading Stedman’s article

  1. (approx 150 words) What did you learn from reading this? Anything new? What questions or comments do you have on how to use sources?
  2. (150-200 words) Write a paragraph for your intended audience for unit 3 using one of your “quotables” from Unit 2 in that paragraph. Keep Stedman’s guidelines in mind while writing this paragraph. Be kind to your audience! Try not to lose them by the side of the road!  —What I’m saying here is– write a new paragraph for the audience you’re trying to reach in this new unit, using the guidelines Stedman describes.  Use one of the quotes from your research.   Category: Unit 3

WORK and POST: keep working on your unit three project.  In a separate post (Category: Unit 3) post some evidence of your work on your project– just whatever you have done so far.  I will be checking these and we will be discussing how the projects are going in class.  I realize you might just have a little bit so far, but you need to post SOMETHING– because you need to start!



Unit Two Due by Noon on Oct 30! (and Happy Halloween! and Vote!)

Hi everyone– just a friendly reminder that Unit 2 is Due on Friday.  To see what this unit entails, please remember to check the assignment sheet under Major Assignments HERE. 

HERE is the padlet with the great titles you wrote today, in case you want to use one!

Some of you may need to brush up on your PIE (Point/ Information/ Explanation) paragraphs. If your source entries are all one GIANT paragraph long– I’m talking to you.  This probably means you need to split that giant paragraph into a few smaller paragraphs, each with a distinct point!  HERE is the slideshow we watched in class where we talked about how to write paragraphs.

Friday, Oct 30: Annotated Bibliography Unit Due: (use category  UNIT 2 FINAL DRAFT)

So, you’ve written all the parts.  Now it’s time to put them together into one document!  Your final draft will contain:

  • A Title (NOT just “Unit 2”. Something that draws your readers in!)
  • Intro
  • THREE  Source Entries
  • Conclusion!

Consider your presentation. Think about what we talked about when we discussed “Clean Up Your Mess.”  What annoys you when you read online?  Don’t do that?  What do you like when you read online?  Try to do that!  I realize this is an odd assignment– the audience for an annotated bibliography is often a small team that is sharing research, or even our future selves.  But still, we can make the Reflective Annotated Bib look good!

It can  help to use headings, if they fit (it’s more helpful to have a descriptive heading, like “Expanding my mind with the Multiverse” rather than something generic like “section two.”)  This isn’t a requirement, just an option.  Likewise, feel free to add an image or two if you feel it would spice things up! This is also totally optional.



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