Hall English 1101 Fall 2020

Source Entry

“Africans in America/Part 4/Margaret Washington on Northern Racism.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part4/4i2987.html.

Margaret Washington indicates that the northern part of the United States had slavery and was slow to the liberation of enslaved black people. For example, they passed laws that refrained blacks from leaving, so that they can settle elsewhere. In addition, the laws that existed in the north prohibited African Americans from riding streetcars and steamers. They couldn’t vote  even if they owned property. She continues to explain that, no matter how poor a white person was, they still had privilege over a wealthy black person. It also affected immigrants who came to the United States because they would automatically have a higher status then black people who were born in the country. This created problems because those same immigrants took jobs away from African Americans.
One statement that Washington emphasizes is, “The whole idea of Jim Crow and segregation of the races really originates in the North”. This is one piece of information that I never heard taught in schools or online.  The Jim Crow law was always associated with the South, never with the North, because it was their way to keep black people oppressed. In all honesty, I question the validity of Washington’s assertion because, this is the first claim I’ve seen someone make regarding segregation in the North. However, I do believe that this is a possibility because, although slavery in the north wasn’t boldly stated in texts, it occurred. This specific detail requires more research, in order for me to make a proper conclusion.
Washington also introduces the idea of the privilege white people have over black people. She asserts, “that no matter how poor you are, no matter what situation you’re in, if you’re white, then you are far better off than the wealthiest person of African descent.” I completely agree with this remark because, the system of America was created for white people and their success. It wasn’t created to uplift black people. America wanted to keep black people subdued. They were afraid of having them revolt or coming to an idea that insinuated their freeness. Black people then and now have to work ten times harder than a white person (rich or not) in a work space to prove why they are qualified. And oftentimes, the white person who has less qualifications are chosen over the black person who went to an ivy league college, or who participated in many programs and internships. Furthermore, if a white person has connections in a certain field, they will easily steal that job opportunity from a black person who needs it.
“So while immigration became a form of economic and social mobility for whites, it became a form of degradation for African Americans.”

1 Comment

  1. Carrie Hall

    Ninmah, this is good– I don’t think you should change your topic entirely, because you’ve done a lot of work, but I want to talk to you about what trouble you feel you’re having. Maybe you want to research Jim Crow laws (laws that legalized segregation) in the North? I don’t know. You will need two more source entries by Friday, which means that by Friday you will need the intro and three source entries. I feel like it would be a lot for you to do something totally new! Let’s talk. Here’s an article that might be interesting: https://inthesetimes.com/article/jim-crow-in-the-north

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