COMD 3530 Advanced Photography Studio

active 7 years, 5 months ago
COMD 3530 Advanced Photography Studio
This Course is OPEN.
Communication Design
Course Code
COMD 3530
Semester / Year
Spring 2016
Course Description

This course will explore studio photography as a means to communicate ideas. Students will learn to use lighting to transform subject matter into metaphor, mood and meaning as well as how to develop visual coherence within a group of images. Students will develop portfolio level projects that display conceptual thinking and mastery of the craft of photography. Photos by Cynthia Xu.


This course was created by: rmichals

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Comment on "Chris_Final"

Fear of failure is a great topic. Last week you shot Amanda literally on the ground and getting […] See MoreComment on "Chris_Final"

Comment on "Ninoshka_Final"

You just need one topic. Postpartum depression is a good topic. Please find an article and not a video. See MoreComment on "Ninoshka_Final"

Comment on "Nicholas – Final"

I can't read this article as I am not a subscriber to the WSJ. Are you? The little bit one can […] See MoreComment on "Nicholas – Final"

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