ADV1100 Graphic Design Principles 1

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  • Assignment #2 Aural Topographies: Mash Up Prep
  • #12803

    Jenna Spevack

    Post a snapshot of your 6 best STACCATO patterns and 6 best LEGATO patterns, based on the Queen and Ella Fitzgerald songs respectively. See Assignment #2 for details:

    Comment on at least 3 of your colleague’s work. Remember to note IN DETAIL what works and what doesn’t. Be constructive.

    If your replies do not contain the following they will not count toward your grade:

    * Clear identification of student whose work you are replying to and which pattern your are referring to.
    (ie: Mario: the pattern in the upper-left corner is a successful visualization of legato rhythm, becauseā€¦ )
    * A clear statement about which patterns are successful AND WHY THEY ARE SUCCESSFUL
    * A clear statement about which patterns are not successful AND WHY THEY ARE NOT SUCCESSFUL
    * Clear and logical use of the vocabulary: Line, Rhythm, Repetition, Monotony, Variety, Pattern, Movement



    Hearing summer time, I felt at peace, but at the same time it was just so slow I thought of water and the beauty of nature. Swirly line, lines, a soft and smooth lines, waves. Below are 6 that I thought are great patterns to show of that song . In addition I found the song another one bites the dust a bit more energetic and good beat. I made hard up and down lines, diamond type patterns, over laps lines. THIS has been a green experience .Below are 6 more for this song.


    Listening Another one bites the dust makes me full of vitality. Unconsciously, I began to nod my head to the good beat music. On the other hand, Summer time makes me feel so comfortable and peaceful. Here are the 6 Staccato patterns and 6 Legato patterns i drew.

    Jessica – I like how you use basic lines to create the patterns especially the one on the right concern, but I think it would be even more better if you put more designs :)


    Yuliya Bas

    My scanner murdered my thumbnails, so I tried to make them a little easier to see. Another One Bites the Dust was easier to express in line because of the quick beat, but Summertime was calm and slow, which made it harder to express.

    To branch out from what Wanda said, Jessica- you can use more variations of line lengths and patterns to make the thumbnails more diverse, otherwise, your thumbnails work well together as a whole. I especially like the waves you created on the thumbnail in the 2nd row, far right.

    Wanda- your thumbnails are very energetic and well thought out. I can’t think of anything that doesn’t work in any of them.



    Thank you wanda and Yuliya =] i know what to work on. And wanda and yuliya both of you have wonderful thumbnails, great job .


    Jenna Spevack

    If your replies do not contain the following they will not count toward your grade:

    * Clear identification of student whose work you are replying to and which pattern your are referring to.
    (ie: Mario: the pattern in the upper-left corner is a successful visualization of legato rhythm, becauseā€¦ )
    * A clear statement about which patterns are successful AND WHY THEY ARE SUCCESSFUL
    * A clear statement about which patterns are not successful AND WHY THEY ARE NOT SUCCESSFUL
    * Clear and logical use of the vocabulary: Line, Rhythm, Repetition, Monotony, Variety, Pattern, Movement


    Each thumbnails implement something different.My intention was to create a contrast and to not do the same thing within each thumbnail.The dark variation that you may see in a thumbnail represent the deep pitch vibration or sound heard within the legato song listened to.I Found some staccato songs to be energetic so i portrayed some streaky and distinctive lines as well as light designed.i just wanted to portray ,Line, Rhythm, Repetition, Monotony, Variety, Pattern, Movement and wanted to do something different emphasizing time thought and creativity i hope it is liked and seen.



    Here are my Staccato and Legato patterns based on the Queen and Ella Fitzgerald songs.

    I agree with Wanda, Jessica I found it very creative that used basic shapes and lines to create very nice patterns.I will just say like Wanda just put in more designs but other than that i like it. My favorites are the waves on the 2nd row to the far right and the “heartbeat” type pattern on the 4th row to the far right.

    And for Yuliya and Wanda you two also have great designs that show your creativity. Yuliya my favorite is the pattern on the Staccato picture and its on the 2nd row to the far right. The shading on the pattern just appeals to me and makes it stand out completely. I also like how it looks simple yet creative.

    Wanda my favorite pattern from you is on the first picture you posted and its on the 2nd row on the right. That star looks awesome/ I love how you also did some shading because it just makes it stand out as well. Also the lines at the ends of the star just tops it off.

    Both of you as well Jessica have awesome designs. Only thing I will say is to just add some more to your inventory but other than that good job!

    Note: Sorry if the pics look a little blurry I tried my best taking good pictures of them


    Alright.. These are my stec/leg thumbnails. I personally did not know if I was supposed to just listened to the songs I chose and just let my mind wander, or to actually structure my patterns, so I did a mix of both. I had a lot more fun doing the leggato patterns because they didn’t seem as angry and jagged as the staccato ones.


    Yuliya: Im loving your patterns :3 The only thing that throws me off is in the staccato thumbnails (the first image, I’m presuming?), the sketch with the checker flag is throwing me off. Maybe because I only just recognize staccato as jagged, sharp patterns? It seems a lot more smoother to me than the other ones you did.


    Michael: The ooonly thing I have with your staccato patterns is that I feel that theres a lot of negative space. The designs themselves are nice, but I feel like there should be just a wee bit more repetition. And for the very first image on the first row, maybe a little more dimension or adding to the V’s to connect them, maybe. Or give em a little more shape
    The legato patterns don’t really have an issue with there being too much negative space. Even though the first one, with all of the spirals, can use a wee bit more repetition (like those^). They look like amoebas! :DDD


    Here are my Staccato & Legato patterns. Feel free to let me know which ones I should work on!


    Jessica I like your thumbnails ,simply because I think for the most part ,it works. Simply because within each sound or note played I can see the stacco,practically difference or shift.I can vision the change within the song.It seems that you was more focused on one particular sound , simply because I see the line or rhythm pattern a lot as if there was no certain there had to be a change.. i think that the only thing wrong is that,other than that ,I like your thumbnail.


    Andrew i like your thumbnail,i instantly was able to pick up the staccato within your image.I Liked the way you portrayed it too.Using dark colors,patterns,various rhythms.I Think you could of put more emphasis in legato,,meaning portraying a smooth flowing manner like a river oppose to using streaky lines,which is rough like a wave


    Jenna Spevack

    Hi All!

    If you haven’t already done so, please go to the Class Site and READ CAREFULLY the schedule of events for this online class:

    Great start to critique!

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