Best Portrait


This is a eye level photograph. The way this photo was taken gives the feeling of her being happy, because of her face expression. Also with the combination of the lighting, shadows and the white background, makes this portrait stand out. This Photo is well balanced.

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Best Portrait


This photo of Ferdinand was taken with short lighting by placing the light on the side of the invisible ear, which create a light and dark composition and also making the portrait look more dramatic.

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This photo was shot using a a soft light more towards the left side and a main light in the back where white background it. This is a profile shot facing towards the right side.


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Best Photo – Chris

This photo of Scott was the best one I took during today's shoot. It uses a soft light to his left side which puts emphasis on the long portion of his face.

This photo of Scott was the best one I took during today’s shoot. It uses a soft light to his left side which puts emphasis on the long portion of his face.

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LL6 Salona Johnson


The photo I chose is a backlight photo. In a backlight photo the object you are shooting is creating more of a silhouette rather than a clear shot.

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Best Photo- Portrait



The light reflecting off the glasses and his face works well together.

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Portrait Photo

Best portrait photos of the day
15723244001_37f7bc2a4f_m IMG_7754

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The lighting on this portrait is side lift and the photo is more focus on the Broad side. The broad side of the face is very soft while the short side has shadow.

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From todays class this was one of the best photos because of the lighting and the emotion was captured. This photograph was taken with side light giving the other side a shadow. This is a front view portrait.

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The lighting in this image is called backlight. Its where a night is placed behind the person, which creates a silhouette effect.

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