Shadowing a Three-Star Sommelier

This article was written back in 2012 by Andrew Hoover who did a trail with head sommelier Raj Vaidya of Restaurant Daniel. It’s a word-to-word accurate outlook of what I’m currently experiencing. Luckily, I found this article before I started my internship, so I was prepared to some degree …

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4 Responses to Shadowing a Three-Star Sommelier

  1. Jennifer Lin says:

    This is an interesting article. I am so excited for you to be able to practice your talent at Restaurant Daniel, a prestigious restaurant. I cannot wait to hear some of your stories later on on how you checked off your bucket list of some of the best wines. Serving amazing labels and expensive wines from legendary producers is definitely an honor and I am sure you’ll do so one day. I believe every bottle of wine is opened with a spark and glow since it your passion to do so. The last sentences of article makes me wonder, as a sommelier of a restaurant you are obligated to provide the best guest service and provide what the guest wants, but by serving a bottle of red wine to a white pairing dish…does that affect your respect and passion for the bottle of wine. Would you agree with what Raj did which is providing what the guest asked for?

    • Always give the guest what the guest wants. Sometimes that is a story, some time it is a red instead of white. With guest satisfaction in mind it is best to think long term. The wine chosen was a good one because it is a realativly light styled red.

  2. Moemu Seo says:

    A white burgundy with marcona almonds and chanterelles would have been a match made in heaven but after all, it’s not a sommelier’s job to tell the guests what’s wrong from right. I’d imagine this was a difficult pairing and I’m curious how the Pinot Noir accentuated this fish dish but I think his move was smart.

    Thanks Jennifer! Hope your internship is going well!

    • This was a great article to introduce you to what you too will experience. Yes it is a labor of love (and a labor of back breaking lifting) but what you do helps support the dance that is conducted each night. Enjoy your development of knowledge.

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