Jennifer Lin’s Profile

Hotel and Resort Managment
Jennifer came to City Tech at 2012. She is majoring in Hospitality Management.
My Courses
Examination of the nature and scope of this industry and basic management concepts. Introduction to department mission and interaction with alumni in career exploration.
Wine & Beverage Management, Spring ’14
Prof. Goodlad Leads students through an historical introduction to fermented beverages throughout the world. Study of beverage making and tasting procedures including jargon particular to the beverage trade.
HMGT1101 LC01 Perspectives in Hospitality Management Spring 16
BRIDGING INTRODUCTIONS – HOSPITALITY AND FOOD AND BEVERAGE MANAGEMENT This learning community will build a bridge connecting the various foundations taught in these two introductory management classes. Connections will be made as students investigate their career options and widen their scope of industry knowledge. Students will learn how to establish a professional electronic profile and simulate a career exploration search.
ENG1101-CL61 FreshmanCompFYLC, FA2015
We will open our minds and explore our senses to reveal our place in the world and how our own experiences differ from those of others. Using Brooklyn as our campus, students will develop personal and career-specific skills. Classes will include on-line and in-person group discussions, written and oral communication, food tastings, field trips, and the exploration of literature.
Work experience in the hospitality field, defined as part-time, supervised employment. Each student is responsible for getting and keeping an appropriate supervisory position for the required period: a minimum of 120 hours for a minimum of eight weeks. Measurable career objectives and related readings are defined in the initial meeting. Prerequisites: HMGT 3501, HMGT 3502, HMGT 3602
My Projects
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Living Laboratory Associate Fellows
This is a collaborative space for use by Living Laboratory Associate Fellows participating in the General Education Seminar, part of City Tech’s Title V grant-funded initiative A Living Laboratory. This seminar will concentrate on incorporating general education outcomes into our courses focusing on Kuh’s High Impact Educational Practices, place based learning, open pedagogy and assessment practices.
My Clubs
Jennifer Lin hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.