Two Employees, One Michelin Star

“One of the most striking things about Take Root is that there is no kitchen staff: it’s just Kornack. ‘I realized that I didn’t really like the kitchen life,’ she said, referring to her time in the kitchens of the Spotted Pig and Aquavit. ‘I didn’t like the camaraderie of it. I’m not a team-oriented person; I am not terribly social. It wasn’t really my gig. But I really wanted to keep cooking, and I wanted to cook for people and create, and continue to do that.'”

It’s nice to know there is a place in this industry for people like Chef Elise Kornack who doesn’t identify herself as someone who’s outgoing and team oriented. I think I can relate.

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2 Responses to Two Employees, One Michelin Star

  1. Eddie Bouret says:

    I really enjoyed this article. It goes to show that anyone can be in the hospitality industry all you need is the proper skills and the heart for it. Great choice in the article.

  2. I never heard of this restaurant so I looked into it more. I am intrigued.

    Here is an old interview:

    Here is on from Grub Street.

    I am concerned with what her costs might be, she does not have economies of scale on her side at all.

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