Hunting Down the Greenest Hotels in New York City

Going “Green” and being “Green” is not just a trend, but a lifestyle. Hotels are making effort to save energy, recycle, and reduce. There are 11 LEED certified hotels in New York City, but many hotels are participating in recycling and environmental projects to contribute to going “Green.” I believe being environmental friendly is so valuable because it provides a better atmosphere not just for us today, but for other future generations.

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4 Responses to Hunting Down the Greenest Hotels in New York City

  1. Stephanie says:

    I think this article is very interesting because it can help us know that the Hospitality Industry is doing their part in protecting the planet and it shows us that after we graduate we are going to be a part of this change. I also like the idea that many big hotels are part of this “going green” movements and it is more impressive that many more are becoming part of this change.

  2. Peggy Z. says:

    More and more hotels are going green. But are hotels going green for the environment or to increase revenue by decreasing laundry and labor? Many hotel offer perks such as a $5 dining credit when guests choose to go green and skip housekeeping. I believe the idea of going green is benefiting the environment, the hotel and the guests. I also believe hotels are implementing this idea because they see that guests are in fact choosing to go green but mainly to decrease labor and in return, increase their revenue.

  3. Jennifer Lin says:

    I agree that hotels are decreasing labor while going green, but I believe there is a lot of effort and money implemented into projects of going green first before revenue increase is shown.

  4. The GM of the Marriott Downtown sometimes teaches at City Tech. I will try to talk to him about gaining this certification. It is very important to the future of our industry.

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