5 White Wines You Should Definitely Decant


I still have yet to see any white wines getting decanted during service but I know without a doubt we have plenty of bottles that would require this process. Fun read especially for those who love complex white wines with a fuller body and a greater expression of age.

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2 Responses to 5 White Wines You Should Definitely Decant

  1. I just had an orange, or amber, wine from Georgia (the Republic!). Prof. Dagorn served it but did not decant it. I will speak to him about this recommendation.

  2. Jennifer Lin says:

    I have never seen or decanted any white wines before. Also I have never had a white burgundy or an orange wines. I must give this a try, I think I’ll enjoy the rich and boldness of orange wines and the lemony taste for white burgundies. I did however tasted Sauternes, but no one decanted it. This is definitely something new and I will share this.

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