Electronic Profile Assignment

Ketsia Surena

Electronic Profile Assignment

I am a first year student at New York City College of Technology majoring in Hospitality Management. In my high school life, I got the opportunity to be part of a culinary program that later will permit me to experience my first volunteering jobs, then from those chances came an shot that would result in my first competition. Junior Iron Chef America competition, even though my team lost, I took comfort in why we lost. The instructions were to make something that kids would eat for lunch at school, my teams Mediterranean Quesadilla tasted too sophisticated that it was deemed to “adult” for the regular lunch menus. In my senior year, I had the second opportunity to participate in another culinary competition, FCCLA baking competition and with the guidance of my culinary teacher I was able to get past my dislike of baking to obtain second place and two scholarships from Culinary Institute of America and Johnson and Wales. From then on my main focus is on becoming a DJ to help up me continue my start up small entertainment company that I started with my high school friend, we provide obviously the entertainment, we also provide catering, security, and hopefully at one point in the future have a venue.

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