Author Archives: Jessica

Museum of Modern Art

Since its birth in 1929, the Museum of Modern Art has continually redefined the idea of the museum in contemporary Western culture. Originally conceived by its founders as a place for Modern art to come and go (because what makes up modernism is constantly changing), MoMA, as it is commonly known, established a permanent collection in 1952 and has become the home for some of the greatest works of avant-garde painting, sculpture, film and multi-media art in the world.

(2017) I Love NY. Retrieved from I Love NY.

Park Lane Reflection

Visiting the Park Lane Hotel was a great experience. Getting to see a little behind the scenes of how  large hotels operate was fun. We learned that many of the departments closely work together because without one another the hotel could not run at its fun potential. I was more interested in the housekeeping aspect. When we visited that departmemt i noticed pictures of how the room is supposed to be set up and that the room attendants are to follow these guidelines to insure a uniform look in every room. Also that the housekeeping department works closely with the front desk. Without the front desk they wouldn’t be able to know which rooms need special care for VIP guest or when a rooms needs to be cleaned in general. Also the housekeeping manger said that the room attendants are like the “eyes and ears” of the hotel. They’re in the rooms so often that they know how appliances are to run, which they can report to the engineering department to take care of. One thing that i did take away from the visit is no matter how bad of a day you’re having that it’s always good to make one guest your priority. By doing this you make the trip for the guest as memorable as possible by going above and beyond to make sure they enjoyed their stay and if they come back to visit they’ll ask for you.

Jess’s e-profile

Hello all!

My name is Jessica. I’m always happy or smiling, I try to have a positive outlook even when times are rough. One thing about me is that I’m a hard worker and I will always go above and beyond to make sure the guest leaves feeling that their needs and wants were met. Ultimately my career goal is to work at JFK or any airport, where ever the wind takes me.

Hello all!

My name is Jessica. I was once a student at SUNY Delhi but transferred to City Tech because I wasn’t doing so well academically. School was something that was always hard for me, sitting down for long periods of times drives me crazy *so you can imagine how nuts I go in these two and a half hour lectures*. My mentality was “Hey, D’s get degrees” so I would do the bare minimum, I’m trying to change that. For my first semester at City Tech I’m aiming for A’s & B’s. No more slacking or procrastination. I’m trying to prove to myself that I’m better then once was. All my work experience has mostly been dealing with food. When I first started college I went in thinking that I wanted to be a chef and boyyy did that change quick. I worked in my first restaurant for a week at Bar Boulud in Lincoln Square and immediately quit. I couldn’t handle being spoken to by the chefs like some idiot. The day after I quit I called my advisor at school and switched my major to hotel and resort management. I have yet to actually work in either setting but in the end of it all I want to be able to work in an airport. Not sure as to what position but anything that can help me travel the world at a cheaper price will be great! As for personal strengths I’m not to sure what they are, I believe that I’m still in the awkward stage of life where I try to find myself. One thing for sure though is that my work ethic is great *or at least I think so* I’d love to channel that same energy into my schoolwork. In my place of work I’m usually known to go above and beyond for not only the guest but also my coworkers. I try to make the best out of the situation and never let what happens in my personal life affect how I perform at work.