Wikipedia Expansion

I edited the term Fingerplay


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post on wikipedia

The poetic term that I chose to edit is pararhyme. here is the link

I’m not sure if I done the reference part correctly.

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Wikipedia Expansion

I choose a great poem with very little information out on it unfortunately.

Here it goes

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Posted onto wikipedia

i’ve just posted a recommendation for expanding the terms Foot(prosody) & Scansion. i’ve noticed that Foot (prosody) uses scansion system for analyzing syllables. in the western wind text, scansion is explained right after rhythm.  but this is not mentioned in wikipedia. the article for scansion refers to music & not poetry, even though they both depict syllables.

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Waltner, (2006)“Psalm 100 is a simple and beautiful hymn inviting God’s people everywhere to enter into worship with thanksgiving and praise.” Waltner, (2006) found “the whole psalm speaks od joyful response to life, seeking to praise God for all God has done and is.” He wrote “Psalm 100 as a doxology or an expression of praise which concludes the psalm 93, 95-99″ he describes Psalm 100as the psalms of enthronement or kingship, a sort of inauguration.Waltner, J.H.,2006 ‘Believers Church Bible Commentary: Psalms p46-48

Holman Bible Dictionary, (1991) writes,”Hymns lift the congregation’s praise to God, describing God’s greatness and majesty. In the hymn, worshipers invite one another to praise God and to provide reasons for such”. Holman Bible Dictionary, (1991) writes, that psalm 100 is one of these hymns.Fleming, D.M.,1991 Holman Bible Dictionary

Vos, C.J.A.,(2009)”the influence of the psalms as hyms in a liturgical context”, ” Psalm 100 used for Thanksgiving.” Psalm 100 is a hymn which calls for praise by naming the supplicant and giving reason for the praise.” “Psalm 100, the plural imperative of the basic form is used to invite the nations to participate in Israel’s worship(‘enter’ is repeated twice in verses 2 and 4). “The nations are not invited to just any form of worship, but to a festival of worship (‘shout for joy’ is a technical term for festival worship)” “According to psalm 100, knowledge is not a prerequisite for participation in worship, it is gained during acts of worship”Vos, C.J.A., 2009, ‘The Psalms as hymns in a liturgical context’, HTS Teologiese Studies/ Theological Studies 65(1), Art. #105, 6 pages. DOI: 10.4102/hts.v65i1.105

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Wikipedia Assignment Term Change

a “foot” is a general term that is used in poetry.

i’ve decided that i should update this wikipedia page:

i’ve faced some trouble with trying to find “broken rhyme” in any text books at our library and have decided to change it to this word.

not that it is much easier, but the wikipedia explanation for it is very limited and can be a little more specific. i will provide a short tense explanation of the term in my own words with the information provided by the text in Western Wind: intro to poetry page 206.

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Wikipedia Assignment – DUE THURSDAY

For Thursday: post your work on Wikipedia.

* Remember to check out the resources in the original assignment as you work on your drafts.

* Between now and Thursday, please revise your post in line with feedback from your peer reviewer

* Consult the Wikipedia Manual of Style as you prepare your post. This will help you understand the formatting characters you’ll see on the wikipedia editing screen.

* Remember that this counts for 15% of your final grade, so take it seriously.


1. Create a wikipedia account
2. Practice editing a wikipedia page on the sandbox.

When you’re ready to post:
1. Log in and go to the stub that you are expanding.
2. Click “edit”
3. Add your content to the page.
4. Post a link to your edited page as a comment to this post

After you’ve posted your work, please keep track of what happens to it on wikipedia by visiting the page regularly and checking out the page history. We’re going to be doing some reflective writing on the process of editing wikipedia, so you should start thinking about how this differs from other types of writing you’ve done for your classes at City Tech.

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Wikipedia First Draft

 The Dymock poets were a literary group of the early 20th century who made their home near the village of Dymock in Gloucestershire, England, near to the border with Herefordshire. They were Robert Frost, Lascelles Abercrombie, Rupert Brooke, Edward Thomas, Wilfrid Wilson Gibson, and John Drinkwater, some of whom lived near the village in the period between 1911 and 1914. Eleanor Farjeon, who was involved with Edward Thomas, also visited. They published their own quarterly, entitled ‘New Numbers’, containing poems such as Brooke’s poem “The Soldier”.

Edward Thomas joined the army on July 19th, 1915, with the beginning rank of private.  After just two years, he was promoted to second lieutenant on April 9th, 1917. Shortly after, at the age of thirty- eight, he was killed in the British offensive at Arras by the blast of a shell. The First World War, which saw the death of Thomas, resulted in the break-up of the community.

Abercrombie, Brooke, Drinkwater and Gibson were poets who had contributed to the Westminster Gazette and were considered Georgian poets. The `Georgian’ style, particularly its versification, fell out of favor in the 1920s and 1930s, but at the time was considered ‘advanced’, and a precursor of ‘modernism’. It used simple language and took as its subject’s ordinary events and people. Gradually, as the years went by, Abercrombie and Gibson became nonexistent, Abercrombie died in 1938 while Gibson lived on until 1962.

Edward Marsh, the artistic and literary patron, edited the five volumes of Georgian Poetry which were published by Harold Monro. Drinkwater had close connections with the Birmingham Repertory Theatre at the Old Rep in Station Street, which opened in 1913. He was its first manager, and wrote several plays for the company, mainly historical pieces and light comedies.

Robert Frost who became the most successful out of the men returned to America on February 13th, 1915. During his career as a poet he received four Pulitzer Prizes and was honored twice by the Senate. During the presidential inauguration of John F. Kennedy, Frost recited his poem “The Gift Outright”. This was the first time that a poet had been honored during an inauguration. On Jan. 29, 1963, Frost died in Boston of complications following an operation.

Although these poets were not formally a group their network of friendships and attachment to the local landscape influenced their poetry. They remained connected even after the outbreak of war had scattered their friendship to separate destinies.


Whittington-Egan, Richard, 1924-. “The Georgian Poets In Dymock.” Contemporary Review 278.1622 (2001): 169-173. Humanities Full Text (H.W. Wilson). Web. 27 Apr. 2012.

Encyclopedia of World Biography. Detroit: Gale, 1998. Print

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Wikipedia Assignment: Draft 1

The name Bruce Lee instantly brings the image of the great warrior. Many may just think of Bruce as an actor/ martial artist, because of his iconic films seen around the world and the Although these are the best known qualities of him, he possessed a variety of great skills and knowledge in, philosophy, film producing, directing, and literature. As Bruce made his process of experiencing his life, he also wrote poetry that reflect what he was feeling and a time in his life. He is not recognized among the great poets, but his work speaks for itself. His principal of self-expression is applied to his poetry, and everything he focused on.

His poetic works originally hand written on paper, later on edited and published. John Little being the major author (editor), for Bruce Lee’s works. Linda Lee Cadwell (Bruce Lee’s wife) shared her husbands notes, poems and experience with her husband.

Bruce Lee’s poems:

  • Rain, Black Clouds
  • The Dying Sun
  • Love Is a Friendship Caught on Fire
  • Once More I Hold You in My Arms
  • All Streams Flowing East or West
  • Boating on Lake Washington
  • For a Moment
  • Walking Along the Bank of Lake Washington
  • Night Rain
  • Our Togetherness Is Like a Sweet Dream
  • The Surroundings Utter No Sound
  • It Is Spring
  • Things I See
  • The Humming Bird
  • The Frost
  • The Falling Leaf
  • Though the Night Was Made for Loving
  • The Silent Flute
  • Since You Left
  • Parting

“Lee’s poems are, by American standards, rather dark-reflecting the deeper, less exposed recesses of the human psyche”- Linda Lee Cadwell. Most of Bruce Lee’s poems are either anti-poetic or fall into a paradox. The mood in his poems show the side of the man that can be compared with other poets such as Robert Frost, one of many well known poets expressing himself with anti-poetic works. The paradox taken from the Yin and Yang symbol in martial arts, is also shown in his poetry.

Note: Does anybody have any suggestions, what else do you want to know to further write about Bruce Lee as a poet?

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Wikipedia Assignment: 1st Draft

I found a lot of interesting things about the poet I picked, Frik. I found 4 sources with 3 being books and an article from a website. I’ll only use 2 of the sources for my first draft, but will add to it for the final submission. The 1st draft is below and the link to the Wikipedia page in-case you don’t know what topic I’m writing on.

1st Draft

(First Paragraph)

Frik’s writing was considered “Armenian medieval poetry” since he was from Armenian origins and grew up two centuries after the Mongol Empire crushed the Armenian Bagratouni royal court during their invasion. Much of his inspiration came from power and how it is wrongly used instead of giving individuals “equality and freedom”. He was also a Christian, but questioned his beliefs because of the negativity that the clergy men of the church promoted.

Arnavoudian, Eddie. “A TASTE OF MEDIEVAL ARMENIAN POETRY.” 26 Jan. (2009): 4 pars. Web. 26 Apr. 2012. <>.

(Second Paragraph)

A small amount of Frik’s poems were first published in 1930. Two of his well known poems were “Complaint to Christ” and “Against Fate”. Both poems had strong doubts regarding religious faith and questioned the values of those who called themselves “Christians” and did not act through with their words or beliefs.

Hovannisian, Richard G. The Armenian People From Ancient to Modern Times, Volume I: The Dynastic Periods: From Antiquity to the Fourteenth Century. Vol. 1. N.p.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. 317-18. 2 vols. Print

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