Please also see the past TWO DISCUSSIONS sections AND RESPOND TO THOSE as well–many of us have NOT posted yet.

FOR THE ASSIGNMENT for TODAY: Please post what GENRE you will write in for the UNIT 3 ASSIGNMENT and please explain why you are drawn to this genre. What is this genre known for? How or why do you think that this genre will be the best one for your topic/ideas from your Unit 2 assignment? Where do people usually find this genre? Feel free to look online for examples of the genre to answer these questions.


Please choose one quote from the story “Speech Sounds” that you think conveys some of the most important ideas or the main message of the story. Please explain how and why this quote shows this main message. Why is it so significant in the story?


Please do the same thing as we are asked to do with PART 2 and the Butler short story with at least one other text that we read from Weeks 9, 10, and 11. Please make sure to say what text you have chosen, its title, and author when you quote from it and discuss it.

I will also post the link for info about the SCI FI SYMPOSIUM TODAY and will post the video from the paper that I gave a few years ago at the Symposium about “Speech Sounds”.

Please contact me with any questions.


Dr. Gold