This Story

Toward the end of this story and I honestly can say that this story caught me off guard. Going back to before we read this book I always had this dark out look on “Frankenstein”. I always thought he was this monster that wanted to kill people and was created by a mad scientist. But after reading the story it opened my eyes to the realty of this story. Finding out that Frankenstein wasn’t even the creatures real name, throughout the book this creature was nameless. And Victor isn’t really the mad scientist that he is mad to seem by today’s version of Frankenstein. Reading the book often reminded me off “The Brother’s Grimm” short stories and fairytales. These short stories were the basis of what we know today as some of the Disney movies, or the kid versions of some of the stories we know today. So after reading this book and learning about this story is truly eye opening and completely shadders my though of what this story would be about. The story was eye opening in a positive way even though this story isn’t believable, it’s a much better description and a much more interesting story than the children’s story that I am used to. In all I believed this that was a really good story, it had great description and it really gave us a full understanding of where the idea of Frankenstein came from and what the real story of his birth and what he was.

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One Response to This Story

  1. I used to think the same thing. It’s funny what popular culture can do in terms of making icons and cult hits. Before reading this book, I thought Frankenstein was the name of the monster, not the last name of the scientist. And they added in his grotesque assistant, Egor! But I do believe Victor can be considered something of a mad scientist. He isolated himself, spending all of his time with body parts. A person HAS to be a little crazy, no?

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