Response 4

I really enjoyed the novel Frankenstein. While reading the end of the novel I realized that the monster and victor are actually very similar in the fact that they focus way to much on one goal and strive for it until they cannot do so anymore. For example Victor was so determined to create the creature that it ended up being his downfall in life. For the creature it was seeking revenge for the things Victor put him through. I feel as if the creature really had the last laugh because he makes Victor look like a crazy person. He does this by erasing all evidence of his existence and burning his body to ashes. Even though the creature accomplished what he wanted I still feel as if he lost himself in the goal he had. I kept asking myself where did the intelligent, curious about the world creature go.

Victor was writing letters to a man named Walton. Walton as a character has characteristics that the creature has and Victor has. These characteristics are the want for people around from the monster and the quest for gaining knowledge that Victor has. I feel as if Walton was just someone who made up the story and it was about himself split in two. At the end of the day the I feel like Shelly did a good job letting the reader come up with theories of how things happened. She also did a good job demonstrating how the world can be corrupted by money.


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One Response to Response 4

  1. Mohammad.I says:

    I liked that the monster erased all evidence of his existence as a form of revenge at the end of the book. In the final chapters, Victor shows that he still is somewhat proud that he created the monster and the monster too that away from his legacy when he killed himself.

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