rose for emily

‘’ A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner was a great read and I enjoyed it a lot. It was different from the other books that we have read in class. In the beginning the story didn’t seem that much gothic but its gets pretty gothic later on. In the story Emily seems very lonely and isolates herself in the house all day. The only people that she talked to was her father and a black guy that served her. The people on the outside were curious of what was going on in the house because they would never see Emily outside like the other people in that neighborhood would do. Her father was very protective of her and controlled her in every way possible. Her father got involved in her love life as well and didn’t let her have any social life. Even when her father died she kept his body at home so she wouldn’t be by herself. Homosexuality and murder are two themes that represent the story. Homer Barron is a guy that Emily fancied but in reality he liked men. She asked the druggist for a potion because she wanted to murder her own father because she was tired of him getting involved in her life so much. She killed her father and slept with him in the same bed so years. This is a story that can creep you out but if you are into those kind of stories I would recommend It to you.

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