Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

“Micro-Activity #18: Choosing a Mode”

For this project I have decided that I might do a video for parents informing them of how child abuse effects thier children. Although I would love to make animations to give a better picture, I am not capable of doing that. What I could do is I may record a speech, just like TedTalk in order to inform my fellow parents or future parents about how child abuse effects thier children. I would inform them about how stress affects their children physically, and then talk about how it affects their development and leads to unsuccessful adulthood. Furthermore I could discuss why some parents might abuse their children, what is abuse and how the government can intervene in order to help the innocent children from getting abused. 

My tone could ask for compassion and touch parents emotionally. My main goal is to prevent child abuse and inform the parents of what they are risking by abusing their children

Many parents consider abusing their child physically as part of discipline. I could talk about what other beneficial ways that can help them discipline their child that does not include any type of abuse.  

I will need a recording person in order to record my speech, I would need a camera with a microphone in order to record a speech.

I want to try something new and I want to have fun with the project. I have never done a creative project but this project could be my chance. 

I have to organize my speech into sections. I have to first grab the audience’s attention, then introduce my topic and then list 3 key points I will discuss. Then in the body of my speech I could discuss my ideas. Then I would sum up with a powerful quote.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    If you do a TED Talk then you should look at a few and see how they work. You start to do this when you talk about having three key points. But what else can you say about the way these talks are organized and delivered. Do speakers tend to use charts and visuals in the background? Do they all have similar tones?

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