Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Title it “Micro-Activity #17: Choosing a Discourse Community”

On my project of how child abuse effects child development, the main audience is the parents. I wanted to inform the parents about how their interactions with their children may have affected their child’s development. Most adults are already aware of the fact that abusing children is not ethical and should never be used as a punishment for kids. Additionally, many parents are already against physical abuse as punishment because they love their children so much that they cannot bear with any abuse at all toward their children. But again there parents are not educated on how abuse shouldn’t be used as punishment towards kids. There are parents who think that they should discipline their kids from a young age and start to abuse their kids physically. There are also parents that abuse their kids emotionally or verbally and may not even think of it as abuse. In my paper I discussed how any type of stress affects the child’s body, then discussed how it has an impact on their development and future adulthood, and lastly discussed how the government can intervene in order to prevent or give consequences toward child abuse. In my opinion, everyone has to be educated on how child abuse effects child development in order to prevent any further child abuse. Parents should be educated on how they interact with their kids affects a child’s development.


  1. Ruth Garcia

    You’re right that most people would benefit from this information but you still need to pick a specific audience and then a specific audience for addressing that audience. For example, is this something for expecting parents or parents of newborns? And if so, what would be the best way to convey the information? A brochure in a pediatricians office? A magazine article in a parenting magazines? Or an online parenting site article?

    • shahnoza

      magazines and brochures would not help at pediatricians or in parenting magazines. i think if parents are already involved in child’s life, reading parenting magazines and showing that they care about their children would not abuse their kids. i think the best way to educate more parents is by having mandatory courses during pregnancy regarding child abuse. while I was pregnant for my daughter I had to take some courses such as breastfeeding (not mandatory but still encouraged) the course was covered by the insurance and it was very informative course. I learned a lot about breastfeeding benefits and how it works, how it effects the baby and my own health as well. after the course I decided that I would breastfed, which was a big decision that lasted more than 2 years. hence, there should be courses regarding child abuse to every expecting parents in order to educated how child abuse would effect their children’s development.

  2. Ruth Garcia

    The hospital made me watch a video about abuse or shaken baby syndrome when I had my son and before I could be released. Maybe a video that is used for the same purpose can be your goal. But do you feel comfortable making a video? If not, then maybe a brochure could still be the way to go. You can imagine it being used by a doctor’s office in the sense that you could imagine the ob-gyn giving the brochure to all expecting parents. Or if you think a class would be your way of giving out the information then what multi-modal text would you give out or use in that class? A video? A brochure? A website article about the class?

    • Shahnoza

      This sounds so interesting. I will try to record a video soon and send it to you, I will give it a shot and if it comes out good I will send it to you and if you approve then i could submit as my project for Unit 3

  3. Ruth Garcia

    Look for parenting videos–maybe even ones about your topic and see how they work. Also, think about how you would use your information in such a video.You’ll have to write a transcript.

    • Shahnoza

      I looked through parenting videos like you advised. I can’t do any animated videos, but I could record like a informative video or something like Ted Talk. I will write a transcript tonight and try to record a video tomorrow. I just want to try something new and have fun with it. I will keep you updated and send my drafts as soon as I can. If it doesn’t come out well then I might switch it to different genre.

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