Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

“Micro-Activity #10: Brainstorming Research Topics”

One topic that I am passionate about homeless people. I think homeless people happen everywhere. The cause can be unemployment, family relationship, drugs, and alcohol abuse, credit card debt, loans, and even the army. It is shocking to me that I have seen many homeless rapidly increasing in recent years in New York City. America is a rich country, but the government seems does not have any solution to these homeless people. Some people choose to be homeless rather than live in a shelter because there no privacy, and people always stealing things from each other. I have seen them on the subway, and some lives inside the subway benches for many years. Also, I remember I went to Coney Island one time. I saw a big group of homeless people are young. They live on the street, and they are probably in the 20s or 30s. I understand people can be homeless during this Covid-19. But if everything is normal, why can’t they get a job like someone else instead of doing nothing all day? I believe they will hire you if you want to work. In another case, I also think about older people who are homeless. They could not get a job because the employees abandon older generation people. My friend’s mother is one of these cases. Therefore, I want to know more about this topic. Why this issue only has been arising but have not been solved? Are there any ways to prevent this? Any solutions?

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Good start. Homelessness is huge so next you need to come up with questions about issues related to homelessness. You start to do that here but go further. For example, what questions do you have about the aging homeless?

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