Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - O427 | Spring 2021

Finalizing the Research Question

Finalized Question – What are the experiences of black people with law enforcement like?

I got interested in this research question because I always am seeing in the news and in social media how black people are getting treated disrespectfully, killed, rights get violated, etc. by law enforcement. More awareness and change needs to take place in order for black to be treated equally. It is not right for someone like law enforcement to abuse their power and treat black people how many of them do. Too many situations that involve black and the law enforcement have already occurred this past year and we must bring more awareness and change upon this matter.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    I think it might be interesting to look at daily interactions with law enforcement. You don’t’ have to and it is just a situation. But the reason I’m saying it is, that in the media we see the big cases but there is less understanding about what daily interactions are like–going into a store, walking down the street, traffic stops–those kinds of things. This would also be a good way to narrow down your focus.

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