Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - O427 | Spring 2021

Research Question Development

Topic Choice:
I have decided to focus on the social issue of ‘Economic Disparity’ for my Annotated Bibliography Project. With a focus in both globally and locally depending on my choice in the research question.

Preliminary Research:

Throughout my preliminary research, I have found good evidence on both the positives and the negatives of economic inequality. In my research, I found that the middle class is what predominantly makes the top 1% rich, because they have jobs that work for the top people. I have found that technology has a huge impact on economic inequality because many jobs are being taken over by artificial intelligence which replaces individuals. The income inequality gap is widening by the years and continues to, because while some have absolutely no money or income, others have too much. Recently, throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, rich individuals have gathered in so much money; clearly the money that millions of middle class/poor people have lost. Globalization has an influence to economic inequality because many head countries want to be maintain a superior economic driven government that introduces competition and trade. While different countries make income differently, there is a huge difference on how a capitalist, communist, or socialist government run their country and how it influences those who live in these areas. So perhaps a type of government would outweigh the others in terms of having more/less economic inequality. Getting a college education, and continuing education after will ensure generations to come, are upright. When individuals don’t have access to a stable wage, they become unhappy, creating an overall inhumane and unfair government/economic standing. In addition, economic inequality is the foundation in how many people will have access to healthcare, housing, and adequate education. The disparity has gotten worse, and keeps getting worse (recession, economic depression). The huge gap benefits the rich because they get richer while everyone else gets poorer.

Possible Research Questions:

1) How does the type of government have an influence on a nation’s economy?
2) How would the widening economic gap affect generational mobility?
3) Why does the wealth distribution intentionally hinder the middle/poor class?
4) What are some changes we can make to ensure economic opportunity for all?
5) What are the major causes that leads to economic inequality?

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    As you say, you do need to narrow down. I would focus on the U.S.A as that will probably be the easiest to understand because you’re in the system–you obviously do not have to do the USA but that would be my instinct. Then one questions you don’t ask, but I think is suggested by your preliminary research is technology contributing to economic inequality? Or, what can be done to ease the economic inequality caused by evolving technology?
    As for the questions you have, I would pick from one of these and rewrite some as follows to be more specific:
    1) What policies can the government have/or put in place to help alleviate economic inequality?
    2) How would the widening economic gap affect generational mobility?
    3) What are the economic challenges affecting the middle/working class (pick one) ?
    5) What are the major causes that lead to economic inequality? (I’m not sure about this one, it seems really broad, but you can see).
    Then after you pick one of these, you will need to read around a bit more and then probably narrow down further.

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