Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - O427 | Spring 2021

Developing Research Questions

Social Issue: Homelessness in America

Preliminary Research: During my preliminary research, I learned that homelessness in America has seemed to have gotten worse over time with the pandemic also playing a huge part in that factor. Not only that but with the pandemic also making people lose their jobs it’s hard for them to keep and stay at their house/apartment/ or wherever they are living for much longer. I also learned how the groups that seem to experience these issues heavily are White and Black Males. I was also informed that New York is in second place with the Homelessness population being at  92,091 being homeless and how California is first having 151,278 people being homeless and Florida being third with 28,328 people being homeless. Overall I learned that homelessness is a major problem here in America as with the pandemic It has not made it any easier for those without a home.


  • What as a Country can we do to help fix this problem or at least prevent an increase in homelessness here in America.
  • Does the government find it a hindrance to helping those who are homeless?
  • Can Homelessness even be ended here in America?
  • Should the government be Obliged to help every homeless person in America?

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    This is a hard topic because there is so much. I think your first question is going to be the most do-able because I think you can start there and then narrow down. You can start by researching, “What as a Country can we do to help fix this problem or at least prevent an increase in homelessness here in America?”
    Then, you can see what comes up. It may make sense to pick one strategy, idea, policy that comes up and make that your focus.

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