Week 7: Monday, 3/15 – Friday, 3/19
- If you have not done so, please complete the following Discussion Question “Brainstorming Topics for the Unit 2 Assignment” that I introduced at the end of class on Thursday 3/11:
- Antigone’s feelings about what happened to her brother Polyneices and the injustice done to him move her to action. What are some social justice issues (local or global) that you feel strongly about and might inspire you to act? Make a list of at least three issues (think about laws, policies, movements, etc.). Really search for an issue or a problem– local, national, global– that matters to you and that you have questions about. Brainstorm a list.
Tuesday, 3/16 (asynchronous: work due on our class site by 11:59 pm)
RESOURCE (look this over before doing the assignment that follows):
- The City Tech Library’s Guide to Developing a Research Question
WRITING: Developing Research Questions
- Look at the social justice issues you and your peers posted when brainstorming. Then choose the one you think is the most interesting (from either your list or your classmates’ lists). Set a timer and spend 30 minutes googling the issue you’ve selected, and bookmark articles or copy links that look compelling. Take notes on key ideas and questions related to your topic.
- Write a Post/Submit an Assignment that includes the following:
- Identify the social justice issue you have decided to use for the Annotated Bibliography Project.
- Write a short paragraph summarizing what you learned in your preliminary research.
- From there, develop two or three new questions you have about your social justice issue.
- These should not be “yes or no” questions, but deeper and more comprehensive questions. Keep in mind words like “why” and “how” when developing these questions.
- For example, if my social justice issue is “accessibility in the remote learning environment,” I would think about questions like “how does an instructor create an effective online class that is equitable and accessible to all participants” or “why are some students falling behind when learning online?” One of these might then become my research question for the Annotated Bibliography Project.
- Before publishing your post, make sure you do the following:
- Title it “Developing Research Questions”
- Pick the category “Unit 2”
Thursday, 3/18 (synchronous session)
Classwork: Antigone Day 2
- Instead of reading, come to class prepared to read together. We will look at several scenes from Sophocles’ Antigone
- Here is the link for class
- Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84305875912?pwd=L0Y4ejl0YWZ6eHJjVjVldDc0YTZEZz09160764
- Password: 160764
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