Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - O427 | Spring 2021

Discussion: Student Samples — Annotated Bibliography Project

Use commenting to do the following:

  1. Look at the student samples. Before you even read the pieces, notice the formatting and technical elements. Discuss what makes the pieces look finished and professional.
  2. Read the student samples. Decide which is the “summary” section and which is the “rhetorical analysis” section. Then find one phrase that indicates when the writer is summarizing a source and one phrase that shows the author is expressing their opinion of the source. Quote these phrases and incorporate them into your answer.


  1. Jenny Lu

    1) The pieces look finished and professional because the students started out with a research question that is bold so it catches the reader’s attention. They organized each entries that composed of MLA format citation first along with a concise description of each article and their opinions so that it is easy to find.

    2) The summary section is found in the beginning of the paragraph because it incorporates marker verbs to state what the main argument the author is trying to portray, while the rhetorical analysis comes after it because the students gives their opinion through whether the article answers or support their research question. For example, in student sample #1, one phrase that indicates when the writer is summarizing is “Dr. Jasmine Johnson discusses her own research”. The student uses marker verb to describe the main points. One example that shows the author is expressing their opinion of the source is that in student sample #1, it states “preterm birth disparities are heavily affected by race”. The student gives an rhetorical analysis when they figure out whether the article answers their research question of “Why are there racial disparities in Healthcare and medical practices?”.

  2. Moushmi Gopaul

    1. Some elements that make each student sample look professional are their use of bolded titles for the research question they are answering. They also have citations in MLA format before each paragraph. Then right below each citation, there are two paragraphs with approximately 300 words each. One paragraph contains a brief summary of the source, while the other is an analytical response to the genre they used. Lastly, the final paragraph has a sub-heading that’s titled conclusion, which ties together their whole piece.
    2. After reading each student sample, I noticed that after each citation, there is a paragraph that summaries the key points and arguments being made. For example, in the student sample 2 annotated bibliography, the writer used an article as their third source, and within their first paragraph, they stated, “here are some important points in the article…” The student’s first paragraph listed the main points that were being discussed and after this, they state their opinion in the second paragraph. The student mentioned, “yes, I agree with the text because I think that the government is overall spending much more than it should.” The second paragraph shows why the student agrees with the author and the way they do this is by analyzing the author’s writing style; the student discussed how the author wrote in an authoritative manner to make their point come across to the audience.

  3. Pauline Li

    Some pieces that made the paper look finished are professional includes citations and indentation. In addition, it also includes a summary of the research findings. After reading the student samples, the rhetorical analysis is where author talks about the writer.
    Ex: “Dr. Jasmine Johnson is a maternal and fetal medicine fellow at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.”
    Ex (writer’s opinion): The authors use real life examples of Hispanic and black families struggling to get medical support during the pandemic and tie that to some of the data given by the CDC. This article tackled a large portion of the discussion surrounding race and medicine.

  4. Abbigail Cleary

    1. Some formal and technical elements that makes the pieces look finished and professional is the start of the introduction with a question. This allows a lead to the idea or point about to be addressed. Also each essay was well organized by MLA citations. This introduced the start of a new entry.
    2. The summary section comes right after the citation where the writer is explaining and describing the purpose of the article. The rhetorical analysis section comes after the student finds a quote to defend their topic and they state what the quote means to them. One phrase that indicates the writer is summarizing is in sample 1 where the student states “the New York Times authors dissect data from the Centers for Disease Control to see how various demographics are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.” this was done right after the citation of the article. A phrase that indicates the author is expressing their opinion of the source is “this article tackled a large portion of the discussion surrounding race and medicine. It was very clear cut, the data given was supported by statistics from the CDC as well as personalized stories from individuals who have experienced the disparities discussed. All of the authors of the article are fairly credible” This was done after introducing the summary of the the article, where the writer is now sharing their opinion of the article.

  5. Vanesa

    1) By overlooking both pieces, the formatting and organization are effective in making it look professional. In both pieces, after giving the title of their research which is essentially their question that they are trying to research, a synopsis or their topic is shown right. They include their goal for this research, include proper citations and immediately after, they include a summary of what the article was talking about through paraphrasing. Additionally, in both pieces, they concluded their annotated bibliography by including what they have learned from their research and how their process of researching was like in order to get the full scope to answer their research question.

    2) The paragraph that immediately follows after the citation would most likely be the summarizing paragraph because they want the ability to break down and annotate a great portion of the article in which they will need for their research, or what they found important/relevant to their research questions. In student example 2 it states, “Here are some important points in the article…The article then talks about the fact that taxing the rich would not solve the problem…” Which are clear indications that they are summarizing the article by using examples and citations to explain further. The final paragraphs for each source section would be the rhetorical analysis paragraph because they give their opinion and mention credibility. In the same piece, it states, “Yes, I agree with the text because I think that the government…This source is credible because it is published on a credible news site.” A clear indication that they are mentioning the rhetorical analysis of both the author of the piece, where the piece came from, and how the piece was written/what the article is expressing.

  6. Marcus Marston

    1)I believe both pieces look professional because how they organized each paragraph. They address the audiences with questions to allow us to think about the topic they want to discuss. They also cite their sources using MlA format which allows us know who they are crediting the information to. They also describe how each cited sources relate to their argument they’re making and how does if effect people. lastly, they make arguments looking at all points of view on the issue.

    2)In the student sample 1, the one example of the student summarizing one source is ” The article gives breakdowns which socioeconomic measure will play a role in racial disparities and how. Education, income and occupation are all components discussed in this article. It discusses how the resources allocated to those working lower paying jobs, or jobs that don’t require a bachelor’s degree typically leave an individual picking between the cost of living or the cost of health care. “. Then the student expresses their opinion in this phrase “This article was a very beneficial read for me to really understand the root of my research question. Socioeconomic status in America is heavily tied to race and ethnical background. So, to see these social disparities discussed clearly gives me a better understanding of where racial disparities play a factor.” Then in article 2 the student summarizing one source is “This Youtube video explains the magnitude and the possible effects of the debt on our society. It explains what’s driving the debt; one of the causes of the debt is the 2008 recession because “revenues fell while spending soared.”. Then the students opinion on the source is “The reason for this shortfall is because “Medicare recipients typically receive benefits that are triple the size of what they paid into the system. Without some serious adjustments, these programs are going to fail”

  7. Tanya

    1. After looking at both samples provided of the students samples. We can see that its format is put in very differently. By this format we notice it looks more professional. In this type of writing citation plays a big role that is necessary. It makes the writing well organized and easier for the readers to read it and understand well. All these things are what puts the whole piece in a good order but what truly grabs the attention of the readers is the question. They ask and introduce us to the topic in a way that grabs our interest and informs the readers. And from there they go on from there.

    2. Afterwards while i was reading i noticed that each summary was based on different citations. Each one was different but based on the same topic. The summary paragraph itself had two parts that were put together to get to the point the writer was trying to get at. It contributed with a summary and rhetorical analysis. The summary was at the beginning of the paragraph. The summary explained the information of the topic and the information that was gathered in their source. And the rhetorical analysis was placed at the ending. This was placed at the end so the writer can remind their point and emphasize the importance of it. The two examples given to us are great examples of how to write in a professional way.

  8. Selena Ortiz

    1. What makes the pieces look finished and professional are the use of punctuation and italicization. Off the bat it looks like there was a lot of effort put into the pieces. The detailed analysis of the article after the citation brings it all together and makes it look completed.

    2. The rhetorical analysis looks like it’s at the end and then the summary was in the beginning. The summary was right after the citation. In the beginning of one of the samples it says “Lamott’s book offers honest advice on the nature of a writing life, complete with its insecurities and failures. Taking a humorous approach to the realities of being a writer, the chapters in Lamott’s book are wry and anecdotal and offer advice on everything from plot development to jealousy, from perfectionism to struggling with one’s own internal critic.” This is clearly the summary. At the end of the sample it says “Several of the chapters in Part 1 address the writing process and would serve to generate discussion on students’ own drafting and revising processes. Some of the writing exercises would also be appropriate for generating classroom writing exercises. Students should find Lamott’s style both engaging and enjoyable.” and this is the rhetorical analysis.

  9. Billie Adams

    Why are there racial disparities in healthcare and medical practice?

    Looking at these both pieces, what makes it looks very formal and professional is first it is being done in an MLA formatting style. The first sample starts off with a question, using a question at the beginning of an essay keeps the writer focus on what they are writing on so they may not stray away from the topic. The writer uses citations at the beginning of the main idea, this is used to make reference to published and unpublished source in other words where you got the information from, it has a body and ends with a conclusion.
    Having done this formatting shows professionalism and makes the reader more appreciative of your piece and this shows some about of credibility.

    Student Sample 1.

    This piece the author has many questions that need to be answered and seems a little confused that the picture that is painted is nothing near the truth when it comes to treatment that is exerted on people of color in healthcare and medical practices.
    Even though this is an area of trouble for the author also it is bringing awareness to the public that these issues do exist.
    The author tries to convince readers that this is not an issue that’s troubling to her alone but to many others and she does this by highlighting other sources.
    The author shows the credibility of her sources by giving their status, how long they have been analyzing.
    The summary could be found in the conclusion section. However, a summary can be seen depending on what you are trying to identify.
    Rhetorical Analysis is found in the body of your letter.
    The writer gives a summary of one of her sources it states “The authors wrote an informative article and gave fact-based evidence with supporting details. Amongst each category they gave facts about attempts made to rectify the disparities and followed them up by a rebuttal, stating that more improvement is needed” this shows that information was gathered and was well analyzed, and synopsis was made.
    The writer is expressing their opinion of the source in this phrase “The authors of this article are Nancy Elder who is a professor of psychology in the Departments of Psychiatry and Pediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), and Katherine Newman who is the dean of social sciences at Harvard University this is to grab the reader’s attention and shows credibility.

  10. Justin Pope

    1. The pieces look finished and professional because they are titled, the paragraphs are organized, and all of the sources are properly cited. You can also clearly see where each individual section starts and finishes. This all helps the writers to guide the reader.

    2. The summary section is immediately after the source entry is introduced. I know this because in Student Sample 2, the first sentence in Entry One is “This Youtube video explains the magnitude and the possible effects of the debt on our society. ” The writer briefly explains the YouTube video in the opening sentence and then explains it in further detail throughout the paragraph. The rhetorical analysis section was either in the second paragraph of a source entry or in the middle of the paragraph, continuing to the end. One phrase where the writer is expressing their own opinion is, “The video claims that people should depend less on the government for retirement, and I think this advice is important for all citizens living under the US system because it is probable that Social Security will go bankrupt.” I know this is their opinion because they are saying that they agree with the advice given in the video.

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