Week 6: Monday, 3/8 – Friday, 3/12

Tuesday, 3/9 (asynchronous, work due on our class site by 11:59 pm)

  • SUBMIT Unit 1 (Discourse Community Assignment)
  • To submit, Write a Post that includes the following:
    • A short letter (approx. 150-200 words) to me explaining your thoughts on writing in the genre you chose. Did you find it easier to express your thoughts through a letter or speech writing a traditional academic essay?Why or why not? Also, reflect on how A.O.C and Douglass or Wollstonecraft and Henderson helped youcreate your piece.
    • A link to a Google Doc with your Unit 1 Assignment. Make sure the link is set so that anyone with the link can edit the document
  • Before publishingyour post, make sure you do the following:
    • Title it “Unit 1: Discourse Community Assignment”
    • Pick the category “Unit 1”
    • Set the visibility of this post to “private,” Go to the top left corner of the post page, click on the word “edit” next to “Visibility: Public” and choose private



 WRITING: Introducing the Annotated Bibliography Project:

  • Respond to the Discussion Question “Student Samples — Annotated Bibliography Project”:
    • Look at the student samples. Before you even read the pieces, notice the formatting and technical elements. Discuss what makes the pieces look finished and professional.
    • Read the student samples. Decide which is the “summary” section and which is the “rhetorical analysis” section. Then find one phrase that indicates when the writer is summarizing a source and one phrase that shows the author is expressing their opinion of the source. Quote these phrases and incorporate them into your answer.


Thursday, 3/11 (synchronous session)

 READING (do this before coming to class):

  • Read Sophocles, Antigone (lines 1-625, pp.1-21)

(Note: if your class meets synchronously, consider devoting class time to reading sections of the script out loud.)

Classwork: Antigone Day 1

  • We will discuss and write about this text during our virtual Zoom class session. Here is the link for class.