Quote 1:  “However, it is unclear whether, in this era of cell-phones, family dispersion, a fluid and uncertain job market for the young, the rise of international trade, and the decline of local crafts and industries, traditional speech communities continue to exist in meaningful numbers. In addition, discourse communities both influence and are influenced by the larger communities within which they are situated..”

Thoughts: This Quote I choose was quite interesting to me because towards the end where they stated ” discourse communities both influence and are influenced by the larger communities” I found it to be quite true how different discourse communities can really influence and be influenced by other discourse communities, and as someone whos lived in New York for almost all their life I would say that us as New Yorkers in a discourse community really influence others in different states to use some of our certain slang that only people in NY would understand to an extent.

Quote 2:” I am, of course, familiar with my local discourse community in Michigan’s ELI. I know when the building is unlocked and how to gain access when it is locked, where the toilets are, and who to ask for technical help. I know which codes to use for the photocopier, and where to find certain office supplies, and so on. However, when I travel to another university for a conference, I do not know any of these things and, unless the signage is excellent, I will probably soon get lost.”

Thoughts: This quote really connects to me because in my case i would be familiar my local discourse community in my old highschool I knew where everything was which teacher was in what class or where the bathroom was or where to get supplies from, now when I had to go to another high school for a fair I was quite nervous because I didn’t know where anything was and I could have got lost If I had not ask the people who had work at that high school where everything was.

The three discourse communities I would be in would be local which would be with my family and friends because I know and they would know certain slang or phrases I use towards them. Focal would be when I’m meeting new people and possibly never seeing them again. Lastly Folocal would be at work where I would keep professional but at the same time friendly.