Quote 1- “For example, when I worked in Aston University, one of the main eating places on campus was the Vauxhall Dining Centre. So, when we had visitors, if I were not careful, I would say some form of “Let’s go to the VD Centre for lunch”. When I saw consternation on their faces, I would hurriedly have to explain that I was not suggesting eating at the clinic for venereal diseases!”

I found this quote connecting to me because it reminds me of some of the words I use around my friends. One of these words is “mad”. To almost every person in the world this word means someone is angry or frustrated at the moment, but to me and my friends it also means “very”. For example sometimes we would say “he’s mad happy” and without questioning it understand that person is really happy, but if someone were to walk by and hear us they would be really confused. Another phrase we would use is “Do you want to go to the city” even thought we already live in New York City. To us “the city” means places in midtown or downtown manhattan, but some people would think of the city and include all 5 boroughs.

Quote 2- “Many people are occasional members of more than one discourse community.”

I found this quote interesting because I am also part of many discourse Community. One of them would be part of the baseball discourse Community. More specifically the Yankees discourse community. In this community we discuss news happening with the team or new players they might of acquired. We would communicate by attending games at Yankee Stadium or through social media on the Yankees page. Another discourse community I am part of is the running Community. In this community us runners make it a priority to make our last run the best run. We communicate at our local parks whenever we are out on a run.

Three discourse communities I participate in!

Family – This is the main discourse community I participate in. With my family we are able to work together, help each other out and everyday make sure we are at our best. In this community we are all able to express freely and stay united through the ups and downs. The way we communicate is by speaking in Spanish to one another and also through a call or text message.

Business Team – This is another discourse Community I am part of and it is based off Mentors, leaders and customers. Our main goal in this community is to achieve financial freedom and live the life we deserve. Everyday we do team meetings calls all throughout the day to make sure nobody is falling behind, to help fix their mindset and to also bring value to all our members. We communicate through Zoom calls, In person meetups and Phone calls, text, etc.

School- School is the third discourse community that I am part of. In school we are divided into many different professions that us students choose. In those different career paths we are assigned a professor that has mastered that profession in hopes of later on following his footsteps and achieving our goal. School is a place where everyone is working hard to fulfill their goals and get a degree. We communicate through emails, zoom, blackboard, text message, etc.