Tanya Chauca

“Focal communities are the opposite in many ways of local ones. They are typically associations of some kind that reach across a region, a nation, and internationally. They may be informal groupings or more formal ones with rules, elections and paid memberships. One informal group that I belong to is Southeast Michigan Birders, and this is part of an email message I received recently:”

I picked the quote above because it is something I’m sure that I, along with others, understand. There are many types of discourse communities, and we all can say we belong to one of them. I can say we all have a different group we belong to and our way of being is different. That is what makes us unique in many ways. For example Some of us belong from different heritage. But we all are in this together but we can also say we are in the same college . Even though we come from different places we all come together in one common thing.

“Indeed, many types of discourse communities develop shorthand expressions, such as abbreviations and acronyms, to aid speed of communication. Members of such groups can be of different nationalities, ages, and occupations, and can differ quite considerably in their economic circumstances and educational backgrounds. They come together because of a focus on their hobby or recreational preference. Today, these kinds of DC are much aided by modern conveniences such as email and the cell phone. In some cases, they may produce a newsletter or have some other kind of publication that is distributed among the members.”

I picked this quote along with the other because they backed one another. This is because I saw this very important in our society. This is something we can see on a daily basis and the people we encounter. In our discourse communities we can see the difference each one has depending which one you belong in one. For example as used above in quotes how each community consists of people with different dialogues and come from different areas. Their preferences wouldn’t be exactly what others prefer ,but that is what makes it different and considers a discourse community.