Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - O427 | Spring 2021

Discussion: Introductions

Please add a comment to this post introducing yourself to the class. In your comment, write a paragraph (approx. 100 words) discussing your academic interests, why you chose your major, what you enjoy reading, listening to, watching, and doing in your spare time, or anything else you want to share (include your pronouns if you wish).

Before next class, please add your introduction and read the comments.

Get to know your classmates! Reply to one of your classmatesā€™ comments. Do you have something in common? Did you learn something? Be kind.


  1. Abbigail Cleary

    Hi, my name is Abbigail. My academic interest is nursing, that is the major I chose because as a young child I always loved helping and taking care of others. I had a soft spot for people in need. As a nurse I will be able to help those in need especially children because I plan on working with kids. I enjoy reading mostly fiction books and my choice in music is pretty diverse from rap, to hip-hop, to R&B, to reggae. These are my favorite genres to listen to. I enjoy watching horror and thriller movies and love watching supernatural shows as well as anime. I find myself spending time with my siblings playing video games or even just binge-watching some of my favorite shows on netflix. šŸ™‚

    • Jenny Lu

      Hello, I see that we have something in common. We both have the same academic interest in nursing and I do agree with you that one of the reason why I want to become a nurse is to help those in need.

    • Ryan Mangal

      The genres of music and movies are spot on.

  2. Account Deleted

    Hello, my name is Moushmi Gopaul; I am the middle child of my family with one older brother and a younger sister. I was born in Georgetown, which is the capital city of Guyana, located in South America. I moved to the United States with my family in 2008. We first lived in Queens but then transitioned into Brooklyn. I attended P.S.179 Kensington Elementary School, then I went to Ditmas Junior High School 62, and I went to Abraham Lincoln High School. While in college at City Tech, I decided to strive for a future nursing career because I wanted to do something that would make a difference in peopleā€™s lives every day. Things that I enjoy is taking a stroll near Brooklyn Bridge Park because itā€™s a place where I can relax and just take in the sites of the city. I also enjoy watching Netflix, and my favorite thing to watch is superhero T.V. shows and movies. I love the quality time that I have with my family because I hardly ever see them. I enjoy drawing during my free time because it keeps me busy and itā€™s very calming.

    • Billie Adams

      Hello Moushmi Gopaul. I am please to meet a Guyanese like myself. It’s so unfortunate that we cannot me in person, but it is what it is. Well I wish you all the best in your pursuing, career of nursing.

  3. Jenny Lu

    Hello, my name is Jenny. I am currently a college freshman student pursuing my studies in the healthcare field. I chose Nursing as my major because my passion in becoming a RN (Registered Nurse) began when I had empathy for those whose who are hurt and are in a vulnerable state. From there on, I knew that I wanted to take care of people and it would be satisfying to be able to make a difference in their lives. Though, I don’t have the skills or knowledge to be a nurse yet, I am still working towards getting into the nursing major. The types of genre in books that I enjoy reading involves around mystery because the suspense is what keeps my interest, allowing me to read to the end and at the same time trying to solve the mystery without giving up on the book midway through. In my spare time, I would try out new cooking/baking recipes to expand on my diet and taste buds, but nevertheless it’s good to try out new things.

    • Pauline Li

      Hi Jenny, I also love cooking new things as well!

    • Vanesa

      Hello Jenny! I wish you the best of luck! I should also try baking/cooking, I’ve never tried it.

  4. Pauline Li

    My name is Pauline. I am a human services major with the intent to help and advocate for people in the community. My favorite academic subject is science. I really enjoy learning about science such as biology or Anatomy because it is really fascinating to me. A subject that I am not a big fan of is mathematics. Math is not my strongest subject and it takes me quite some time to solve problems. In my spare time, I mostly eat and watch shows. I also like to go outside with my friends and try new foods. Due to the current pandemic, my food adventures are currently put on hold.

    • Abbigail Cleary

      Hello, Pauline I also enjoy learning about anatomy as well, and I enjoy watching shows and hanging with my friends as well.

  5. Andrew Lops

    Hello everyone my name is Andrew! My academic Interest mainly consists of world history and English as those subjects are very fun to me. I am quite terrible at math as it is my weak point. I’m currently majoring in Liberal arts and sciences but I might be transferring to another school to major in archeology because that’s been an interest of mine for the longest. In my spare time, I like to watch anime, listen to music, take pictures of scenery or even play video games with my friends. Lastly, my favorite type of genre to read would be mythology as I enjoy reading about different types of them such as Norse, Greek, Roman, and even Egyptian! Hope to have a great semester with everyone :^)

    • Selena Ortiz

      I’m majoring in liberal arts too! Mostly because I want to transfer, though. I love photography and taking photos and playing video games, as well. Looks like we have a lot in common šŸ˜€

  6. Marcus Marston

    Good afternoon everyone my name is Marcus. My academic interests are math and science; anything with these subjects I have a huge passion for. My major is Mechanical Engineering, I chose the major because I love understanding new concepts and learning new ideas. I love reading astronomy books because I have a deep fascination for space. I am opened to any kind of music, but I prefer it to be calm and relaxing. I love watching movies and anime, and I like writing my own stories on my spare time. Also I’m pretty bad at writing but I love it anyway.

    • Andrew Lops

      Hey Marcus, I find astronomy to be really cool and Interesting and I also like learning about space as well!

    • Vanesa

      Nice to meet you Marcus! We have similar interests! I have a fascination for space as well but I find it quite scary for how much we don’t know, yet. Don’t say you’re bad at writing, I’m sure you are an amazing writer, no one is a perfect writer after all.

  7. Tyviana Pelsey

    Hi, my name is Tyviana, and my academic interest is in Health Services Administration. I chose this major because I’ve always had this love for wanting to know how things functioned and looked inside the human body. Outside of that, being in a hospital gives me a comfort that I can’t find anywhere else. I actually don’t enjoy reading books. I find myself getting bored or maybe I’m just reading the wrong ones. I’m from Trinidad so the music I enjoy would be soca, out of soca I love to listen to Shenseea. My favorite things to watch are Grey Anatomy and Bob’s Burgers. During my spare time, I am a Lash Tech, my Instagram is The.Modernlash.

    • Andrew Lops

      Hello Tyviana, I also enjoy watching Bob’s Burgers as well It’s a pretty funny show my favorite characters are Louise, Gene, and Tina.

    • Vanesa

      Hello, nice to meet you Tyviana! I also find some comfort being in a hospital. I love watching Grey’s Anatomy! I just followed your business account! Good Luck this semester ^w^

    • Diana

      Hi, I also love watching Grey’s Anatomy.

  8. Tanya

    ā€œIntroducing Myselfā€: Hello fellow class members my name is Tanya. This is my second semester of college and it has been quite an experience so far. Even though we arenā€™t on the actual campus. Iā€™m majoring in Nursing and this has been something I have always wanted to be. Helping others has always been very important to me and something I one day hope to work hard and accomplish. I enjoy many things such as music and sports such as basketball, soccer and volleyball. I enjoy reading and learning many new things whenever I get a chance to in my spare time.

    • Victoria Powell

      I will be majoring in Nursing too! I enjoy helping others in there time of need.

  9. Tanya

    ā€œIntroducing Myselfā€: Hello fellow class members my name is Tanya. This is my second semester of college and it has been quite an experience so far. Even though we arenā€™t on the actual campus. Iā€™m majoring in Nursing and this has been something I have always wanted to be. Helping others has always been very important to me and something I one day hope to work hard and accomplish. I enjoy many things such as music and sports such as basketball, soccer and volleyball. I enjoy reading and learning many new things whenever I get a chance to in my spare time.

  10. Selena Ortiz

    Hi! My name is Selena Ortiz and academically speaking I’m interested in english/writing, film, and photography. My major is liberal arts and I chose this major because I plan on transferring to another school. I love to read and I just finished reading the book Five Feet Apart. If you like to talk about books I’m the one to talk to! I love listening to music as well. Reading and listening to music are my top favorite things to do. I’m not too into movies or shows but Family Guy is by far one of my favorite shows. I hope this semester is a good one as I have severe anxiety and last semester destroyed my mental health :(. That’s about it, though.

    • Justin Pope

      Hello Selena, I also love listening to music. I find that it helps me to calm down and destress.

  11. Vanesa

    Hello! My name is Vanesa Vargas, a first year university student and my major is Applied Chemistry. I am focusing on the sciences since my dream is to get into medical school after university. My academic interests are in relation to the health sciences and the biochemistry aspect of scientific studies. I honestly enjoy reading anything and try to keep an open mind on any type of genre. Currently I am trying to finish reading ā€œIQ84ā€ by Haruki Murakami, itā€™s a very thick lengthy book but I get so lost into it :). I enjoy listening to K-pop and watching K-Dramas. I like to go for walks around my neighborhood, of course socially distanced. My pronouns are she/her. I wish everyone good luck this semester, you got this!

  12. Billie Adams

    “Introducing myself”

    Hello Professor Garcia and fellow students, my name is Billie Adams-Cush. I was born in Guyana and migrated to the USA seven years ago.
    I have an associate degree in Accounting but after migrating I switched and decided to pursue a career in the medical field.
    I am a Certified Medical Assistant, but my goal is to become a Dental Hygienist.
    It’s so unfortunate that we are experiencing these trying times and the new form of schooling is remotely. My major concern with taking online classes is that I might not be able to fully grasp all the material that is shared with me.
    Physically being in a classroom, allows the professor to see if you have doubts, or concerns from the expressions on your face.
    It isnā€™t as easy to communicate in this environment as it is in person. However, we are in the this together and we shall over-come it together. My advice to everyone is to have some patient and follow the guidelines that are given in regard to the Covid19.
    English is not one of my best subject areas, but I always try do my best. I am looking forward for your help so I can be successful at the end of this semester.
    Following the American Politics is something I love to do in my pass time with CNN being one of my favorite news channels. I also love to do road trips, but due to the pandemic I had to ease up with this form of recreation.
    With that being said I am looking forward to a successful fall semester.

    Thank you.

  13. JohnC

    Hello, my name is John Cabral and I am majoring in Construction Management. I chose this major because Iā€™ve always had a passion for construction and since middle school, I have been involved in many engineering academies. A book that I enjoy reading is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. This is a book that I recently picked up and has really opened my eyes as well as changing my overall mindset. In my spare time, I enjoy listening to lots of music and also focusing on self development. Also if the weather is nice out Iā€™m more than likely to go on a walk around the park or even ride bikes around the neighborhood. Playing sports is another thing I enjoy and since Iā€™m very athletic I’m really versatile in any type of sport.

  14. Victoria Powell

    Hello, My name is Victoria Powell & I am 18 years old. This is my first year in college and Iā€™m in my second semester , I am also a first generation college student. I am going to major in Nursing, Iā€™ve always wanted to be a helpful source to people, especially those in need. Nursing allows me to do so & give me a challenge also. I enjoy reading anything that involves drama, or anything involving black romance. I enjoy listening to anything to R&B and hip hop, mainly R&B involving people like Summer Walker, etc. What I like to do during my spare time would be online shopping, anything to do with shopping, doing my makeup, and watching funny youtube and tik tok videos.

  15. Fady Aziz

    Hi, my name is fady. Iā€™m originally from Egypt but Iā€™ve been living in New York for about 9 years now. My major as of right now is dental hygiene, But later on I will be changing that to dental. I really enjoy helping people if they need the help and will not turn anybody down. Iā€™m a really cool person when you get to know me. I like rap music, really all I listen to. If the other outside is good I tend to play ball, but if the weather isnā€™t great outside I play my video games, I play call of duty, 2k. Im really looking forward to have a great year and know all of my class mates and teachers this semester!

  16. Ryan Mangal

    HOw’s it going ladies and gents?! My name is Ryan Mangal, I am 20 years old turning 21 in a couple of weeks, and I live in Queens Village. I’m a sophomore in my second semester and a major in Mechanical Engineering Technology here at CityTech. I chose this Major because it doesn’t seem too far off from what I was doing in High School. I attended Aviation High School out in Long Island City, and within the school, about half of your curriculum focuses on aviation maintenance. So minus working on aircraft, I feel the work goes hand-in-hand with each other. I like working with my hands, instead of sitting behind a desk. Besides anything dealing with school, I enjoy listening to music, playing pool, and kick’n it. My favorite genre of movies is horror. I like to think I’m a pretty chill, laid back type of guy. I always try to keep a positive head and lend a helping hand. In these times with everything going on in the world, we fore sure need to be there for one another; and if you need someone and your guy. I hope that although we are not in a classroom to physically meet each other we can still make some new friendships come out of this.

  17. Justin Pope

    Hello, my name is Justin Pope, and I am majoring in Computer Systems Technology. I chose CST as my major because I want to have a career in the computer field. I have had an interest in computers since March of 2014 when my mother bought me a gaming PC. Since then, I have upgraded my computer numerous times, and even built two additional computers by myself. I enjoy learning about new technology through various mediums, such as tech news websites, YouTube videos, online tech forums, and even watching events and press releases about the new advancements in technology. I also enjoy playing video games and watching TV shows and movies.

  18. Diana

    Hi, my name is Diana. I am majoring in Biomedical informatics. I chose this major because I can help people, although it will not be through direct care. Biomedical informatics requires solving problems and analyzing data, which I have no problem doing. My favorite subjects are Math and science, although they could be challenging at times but are interesting. I enjoy solving puzzles and reading about the Ottoman empire, Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas. During my free time, I enjoy going for walks, listening to music, and watching movies. Some countries I’d like to travel to are Peru, Mexico, Turkey, and Israel.

  19. Jeffrey Marin

    Hello, my name is Jeffrey Marin and I am majoring in Mechanical Engineering Technology. I have lived in New York my whole life. I hope to transfer out of state and continue my career path there.

  20. Michael Batista

    Hello, my name is Michael Batista and I am 18 years old. I am majoring in Computer Science. I have chosen CS as my major because I have always liked and enjoyed using computers in my life and would like to someday make various of applications that can help the world. On my free time I like to watch movies, play video games, and love doing music production.

  21. Eimon

    Hello my name is Eimon Rahman. This is my first year in city tech. My academic interest is computer science. Computer science is not something that I always had in my mind. When I was in high school, I wanted to be a pilot. But due to some personal issues I couldnā€™t chase pilot as my career anymore. In my spare time I like to hang out with my friends and go out have fun also I love playing soccer. Iā€™m in a professional team call AYSAB and I been with them for few years. Playing soccer helps me to take my mind off things that I donā€™t like to think about.

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