Homework #8 Capa: big fat phony?

The infamous photograph of the fallen soldier during the spanish civil war has raised many questions of authenticity. According to Richard Whelan, he claims that some may argue that the photograph is in fact a fake. While others would argue that it is indeed a factual photograph. In the article Whelen brings about possible scenarios that could have taken place before, during, and after the picture was taken. While the arguments may be convincing and even questionable, i honestly do not think it matters if the photograph was a fake or not. It wouldn’t be the first time a photograph is staged. Photographers have been doing it for years and still do. During this time, this photograph was so necessary. It was an “inside look” into what war was. It was an eye opener for many. These people during this time have never seen anything like it and it truly became a phenomenon. A part of me wants to believe that the photograph was staged but the other part of me doesn’t think it should matter if it was or wasn’t. The photograph did exactly what it was suppose to; show something that no one else could see unless they were there. The article had some supporting evidence of authenticity but even some of the evidence was questionable. We will NEVER know.

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