looking at these pictures, made me hungry! I’m one of those people that skip breakfast because I cannot eat in the morning. I know that breakfast is essential and all that but I can do without (most of the time), so I kind of felt ashamed looking at the pictures of kids eating breakfast because their diet. I only have breakfast when my mom forces me, and most of the time I cannot eatĀ thingsĀ like: pancakes and syrup, cold cereal and all those sugary stuffs. When I think of the calories in a typical American breakfast, it makes me want to stay away from it because I feel like the amount of calories they have is more than half of the amount of calories we are supposed to consume daily. When I do have Breakfast, I usually have maybe scrambled eggs, or hot milk and rarely yogurt, but I have seen people eating chicken, french fries, pizza and other greasy stuff in the morning and i think that that’s totally sick (but hey! who am I to judge?! I’m sure that there is someone somewhere that probably thinks that the fact that I skip breakfast is insane or something.