Taking pictures of food

People around me love to take pictures of their food, which I do not understand at all. In fact, for me, the most exciting moment in the restaurant is when my food is ready and Iā€™m about to eat the delicious dish. However, almost every time, my friends ruin the best part of my mealtime by thrusting their cameras between my food and my fork. They go through a serious angle and lighting calculation process before taking pictures with their iphones. After waiting for them to go through all the hassle, then they ā€œletā€ me eat my food. My friends claim that they take pictures because they want to share their memories with their friends and families. Very few of them take pictures to promote their own recipes, and I do not have any problems with that because they do it when they are alone, not causing any trouble. As a person who is skeptical about sharing mere trifles with others, ā€œjust want to let everyone know that I had a good steakā€ part does not make sense at all. Nevertheless, I try to respect other peopleā€™s preferences. Just donā€™t make everybody on the table to wait for you to take pictures.

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